All Comment articles – Page 311

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    Sophia Christie on lessons from Sweden


    One of the most distinctive characteristics of NHS trusts' work with US company Kaiser Permanente is also one of the least commented upon. Kaiser Health Plan is an insurance company in an exclusive partnership with the Permanente Medical Group, run as a profit share company for the participating partner doctors.

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    Sophia Christie on national and local tensions


    Despite a bad press, national targets have challenged our complacency about poor health in poor people and poor services to support them.

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    Sophia Christie on telling our story


    'Formal public meetings only ever engage the sort of people who like attending formal public meetings'

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    Sophia Christie on health and employment


    The publication of the Commissioning framework for health and well being is a welcome reminder that 13 months ago the government published white paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Say. For many of us it is a long-awaited statement about the future direction for the 90 per cent of NHS ...

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    Confessions of an NHS chief executive


    'I do not follow rhyme or reason, only the secretary of state'

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    Media watch: hospital phone charges


    Those unlucky enough to spend Easter in hospital also had the misfortune of paying a whopping 26p per minute if they wished to call their loved ones. Not unexpectedly the tabloids and broadsheets were up in arms last week as they bemoaned the 160 per cent increase in hospital call ...

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    Michael White: change in the NHS


    We were standing on the edge of my local swimming pool discussing the inevitability of change when a fellow wrinklie walked past, saying: 'Don't talk to me about change. I work for the NHS and whenever I hear that word I just switch off.'

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    Simon Stevens on the case for independence


    It now seems likely that, regardless of political party, our next prime minister will toy with some version of 'independence' for the NHS. Independence for the Bank of England is seen as one of the government's more important reforms, so an NHS parallel could resonate. And shadow health secretary Andrew ...

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    Day case rates


    Marc Farr says day-case rates over the last three years have shown little sign of improvement

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    Unjust social care funding


    'One in four people over the age of 85 in Oxfordshire are in receipt of a high cost package of care'

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    Sophia Christie on why tenders need loving care


    Community foundation trusts reproduce the organisations we disbanded five years ago

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    Laura Donnelly on primary care leaders


    One argument is that new strategic health authority chief executives, keen to assert authority and be seen to do so, are indulging in an exercise otherwise known as 'don't think much of yours?'

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    Sophia Christie on primary care


    'The challenge of the last three years has been demand management. The focus for the next two years must be a considered challenge to activity attribution.'

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    Media Watch: earnings cap


    So ministers have 'blundered' again, according to London's Evening Standard. This time it is because they have failed to cap doctors' earnings.

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    Media Watch: earnings cap


    So ministers have 'blundered' again, according to London's Evening Standard. This time it is because they have failed to cap doctors' earnings.

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    Cliff Prior profile: 'The only thing you can't predict is where it will go'


    In his new job heading a group of not-for-profit organisations, former Rethink chief executive Cliff Prior will have a key role in reshaping community services. But first he has to explain what it is all about

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    Hilary Thomas on living with cancer


    Becoming a patient has been a salutary, levelling experience

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    Hilary Thomas on living with cancer


    'Acupuncture and ginger beer have been as effective as any the anti-emetics I've been doling out for years'

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    Media watch: C difficile in Norfolk


    The news on superbugs gets worse following reports that a mutant strain of Clostridium difficile has been linked to the death of 17 patients at a Norfolk hospital.

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    Pret a Porter?: what a US business guru has to teach the NHS


    An academic tome about the US health system, even one co-authored by one of the world's most renowned business theorists, seems an unlikely hit for an NHS audience. But Redefining Healthcare: creating value-based competition on results, by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg, has caught the attention of UK policy-makers, ...