All Comment articles – Page 314

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    Data briefing: the truth behind the A&E target


    A recent analysis from Les Mayhew and David Smith at City University's Cass Business School has suggested some theoretical reasons - backed by data - why achievement of the accident and emergency maximum four-hour wait by 98 per cent of hospitals was probably not all it seemed.

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    Sophia Christie on treating adults like kids


    Outcomes for children generate emotional engagement; those for adults are dull in their worthiness

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    What's driving the admissions rise


    In last week's Data Briefing I raised some issues about the increase in emergency admissions to acute hospitals over the last five years. The increase has primarily been in accident and emergency, and there has been a dramatic increase in the number of patients turned around on the day. While ...

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    Increased activity may put bright future at risk


    While health service investment has soared, the pressure on organisations to secure financial control may be driving down productivity. Peter Smith unravels the paradox

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    Christopher Newdick on treatment abroad and the law


    Should PCTs be alarmed by the European Court of Justice's ruling on covering the cost of treatment abroad? Christopher Newdick explains

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    The real story about Wales' ambulances


    I enjoyed the Your Humble Servant column on 15 March. In fact, I have it framed on my office wall. But, I really can't let Michael White's Welsh travelogue pass without comment.

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    Progress is about perception as headlines and reality clash


    While optimism over the NHS is low, the public's feelings about services and choice are more positive. These contradictory perceptions mean GPs, managers and the DH have their work cut out ensuring patients 'interpret' reforms favourably, write MORI's Ben Page and Jonathan Nichols

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    Barometer: PCTs January 2007


    The latest Barometer survey of primary care trust chief executives showed growing confidence in negotiating power with acute providers, with the indicator score up again to 6.88 out of 10.

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    Public health Barometer, February 2007


    The single biggest rise in confidence in the latest Barometer survey of public health directors was for the access target on sexual health services, the overall number up from 6.08 out of 10 to 7.09. At the other end of the scale, optimism on the 2010 childhood obesity target has ...

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    Barometer: mental health, February 2007


    With the end of the financial year looming, chief executives of mental health providers are very confident this month that they will end the year in financial balance. A score of 9.26 is the highest ever recorded for this measure and the highest score of this barometer.

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    Barometer acute trusts March 2007


    There was a late surge in confidence at the end of February about reaching financial break-even or surplus, according to the latest Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives.

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    Barometer: PCTs April 2007


    Primary care trust chief executives expect continuing wrangles over negotiating contracts with acute trusts, according to the latest Barometer survey.

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    Barometer: Public Health April 2007


    While confidence in sexual health services has continued its rise in the latest Barometer survey of public health directors, the most significant increase for April is public health funding for 2007-08, with the overall number up from 3.85 to 4.85 out of 10.

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    HSJ Barometer: acute trusts October 2006


    Confidence has leapt up in our acute trust chief executives about the chances of achieving financial break-even this year - the score out of 10 rose from 5.78 to 6.80.

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    Public health barometer: Dec 2006


    Faith in national targets on child obesity and teenage pregnancy continued to fall, according to results from the latest HSJ Barometer survey of primary care trust public health directors.

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    HSJ Barometer: mental health December 2006


    Mental health chief executives are increasingly confident this month that they will achieve financial balance.

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    Barometer: acute trusts May 2006


    The latest HSJ Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives showed significant recovery in confidence, with only two indicators displaying statistically relevant falls.

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    Barometer: PCTs June 2006


    The only significant fall was in confidence in hitting the choose and book deadline

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    HSJ Barometer: PCT chief executives, August 2006


    There were falls across all but one of the confidence indicators

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    With European law and the emphasis on work-life balance already shaking things up, what does the future hold for medical education? Three experts predict the shape of things to come