All Comment articles – Page 315

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    Barometer - Mental health April 07


    With the start of the new financial year comes a new record in this Barometer survey of mental health chief executives. The highest result has been recorded, with a confidence score of 9.47 for achieving break even by the end of the financial year.

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    'My local supermarket does not call me an inappropriate shopper - ever'

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    A year in review: catching up with the excess in 12 turbulent months


    2006 has been dominated by efficiency drives and government reforms. Financial problems began to bite and the public took to the streets over attempts to revamp local services. Amid the financial storm, NHS chief executive Sir Nigel Crisp resigned and only two trusts got top marks in the Healthcare Commission's ...

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    Christmas comes early, so must planning


    Last year most primary care trust chief executives polled by HSJthought their local delivery plans were badly flawed by an operating framework delivered late and with significant errors in the tariff.

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    Devolving central budgets


    David Nicholson needs to ensure that Cinderella services have ring-fenced funding when he devolves 90 per cent of the NHS funds to local budgets.

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    Patricia Hewitt's letter regarding Monitor Compliance


    Your article on 7 December ( Monitor will demand service level figures from foundation trusts) refers to general comments I made during last month's NHS Alliance conference about the importance of effective partnership working in the NHS.

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    Hilary Thomas on clinical management


    'The gap - often a tribal or cultural one - between doctors and managers seems to be widening again, not helped by the current, and inevitable, obsession with finance.'

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    Michael Mandelstam imagines the confessions of a chief executive


    'I follow neither rhyme nor reason, only the health secretary. I am a member of an elite, a new breed of NHS chief executive, ruthless and efficient - not like the old softies, few of whom now remain'

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    Nicolaus Henke on Michael Porter's partial answer


    The Harvard Business School guru's book Redefining Healthcareis a fascinating but flawed study of reform from which the NHS could learn, says McKinsey's head of global health systems

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    Comment: National directors sign up to reform


    No-one ever argues with the case that clinicians at every level are integral to successful service reform. But it is a truth observed more in the intention than the action. It is therefore welcome, although a little late in the day, for the government to wheel out two national clinical ...

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    Your Humble Servant: how do you solve a problem like Patricia...?


    To: Don Wise, chief executive

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    Manchester inequalities missing


    Letter from David Regan, director, Manchester Joint Health Unit

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    Feedback to 'A formula for unfairness'


    I read with interest the article in your 16 thNovember edition ' A formula for unfairness'. It confirms the views that many of us have had that there is something wrong with the grant distribution formula used by Government.

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    Service link economics


    Can Monitor chair Bill Moyes and KPMG consultant Kate Barber explain what is new about the 'The new economics' and justify the statement: 'Treating individual services as profit and loss units promises to transform financial management and clinical engagement' ( HSJ, 16 November 2006)?

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    Learning disability and language


    Letters from Sam Smith, executive director, C-Change for Inclusion, Glasgow; Val Rowlands, superintendent physiotherapist, Stockport Learning Disability Service; and Rod Campbell, director of communication and development, The Regard Partnership, Kingston-upon-Thames

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    In a challenging year, our success is yours


    Tonight, HSJis hosting its biggest-ever awards ceremony - this year we received more than 900 entries across 18 categories and more than 1,000 people will attend our prize-giving event in central London. In this, the Awards' 25th anniversary year, the success of the event is a ...

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    Return to the windmill - behavioural modelling and the future


    The lack of a 'big picture' of where reforms will take us means investment and strategic planning are severely hampered. Alasdair Liddell and Laurie McMahon describe a behavioural modelling approach that can help

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    Bed day costs


    The Department of Health productivity indicators (click herefor story) detail how much each trust can save by reducing bed stay.

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    Neil Goodwin on Serbian princes and American cousins


    'Mixing with Europeans always reminds me how European we are in the UK and how much less we have in common with the USA'

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    Emma Dent


    'I realise my whingeing sounds rather feeble compared to the fate of, say, poisoned former KGB spies, but I remain perturbed'