HSJ’s website has relaunched. The new service at hsj.co.uk features simpler navigation, a more powerful search engine and vastly more links to related articles.
We are increasing the number of news stories published each day, to keep you up to the minute with the latest developments in health management and policy.
Our reporters on acute services, primary care and mental health - Dave West, Helen Crump and Charlotte Santry - will be using their regular newsletters to solicit your ideas and views on major management issues, while Sally Gainsbury will be launching a weekly finance newsletter in the run-up to the Budget.
Deputy editor Rebecca Evans surveys the overall picture in the Start the Week newsletter, while I will be venting my thoughts in my blog.
There is more video content, including interviews with managers of organisations that have excelled in the HSJ Awards or the Healthcare 100 ranking of the best employers.
The new Resource Centre augments the same section in the magazine, with practical advice from readers tackling a wide range of service and management themes, as well as providing up to date links to resources from a variety of health service bodies.
And, crucially, the new hsj.co.uk is much more interactive, with quick and simple opportunities to share your comments with other readers.
I welcome your feedback on the site and suggestions for new content. Please write to me at richard.vize@emap.com
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