All Commissioning articles – Page 200
Commissioners could be forced to pay into Monitor fund
Monitor will have the power to compel providers and commissioners to pay into a fund which can be used to provide “financial assistance” if a provider goes into administration.
Tribunal to have responsibility for settling disputes over protected services
A tribunal will be set up to adjudicate when a provider wants to remove a “designated service” status granted by Monitor.
Commissioning board given 'draconian' powers
The Health Bill awards the NHS Commissioning Board “draconian” powers to intervene in and split up “failing” commissioning consortia, analysis by HSJ and NHS legal experts Beachcroft finds.
Small consortia will reduce savings, warns DH
More than a third of the expected savings from transferring commissioning from primary care trusts to consortia will be lost if consortia cover small populations, the Department of Health’s impact assessment says.
Health secretary to get powers over commissioning board
The secretary of state for health is to be given powers to decide which services will be commissioned by the new NHS Commissioning Board.
Commissioning transition to cost £1.2bn
The transfer of commissioning to consortia and the NHS commissioning board will cost £1.2bn in the next two years, according to the Department of Health’s impact assessment of the Health and Social Care Bill.
Do GPs have 'the balls' to decommission hospital care?
GPs must not “shirk” the challenge of downsizing NHS hospitals, GP and health commentator Phil Hammond argues in this week’s HSJ.
'Time to scrap GP exception reporting'
We must now scrap exception reporting by GPs in the quality and outcomes framework.
'We all know what’s wrong with the NHS'
There are too many hospitals swallowing up too much money for too little return. Which is fine until you try to close or downsize one, and all hell breaks loose.
'Accountability in the NHS is a mess'
Ministers in Whitehall have excessive powers to interfere and meddle in local operational issues, with primary care trusts controlled by strategic health authorities and SHAs by Whitehall.
Major questions remain over commissioning, say insiders
Major questions remain over the successful formation of commissioning consortia, despite the fast spread of “pathfinders”, according to those overseeing the process.
Nicholson: NHS commissioning board will step in if consortia falter
In the first interview since his appointment as chief executive of the NHS Commissioning Board, Sir David Nicholson has outlined the measures it could take against poorly performing commissioning consortia.
Earl Howe: Contestability is 'not alien to integration'
Health minister Earl Howe has denied there is any conflict between opening up healthcare provision to more competition and encouraging collaboration between providers.
‘Brave’ Sir David stresses freedoms and delivery
As the NHS drowns in reform, the danger of distraction grows.
Michael White: ministers are puzzled by the BMA’s hostility
It remains a guiding principle of this column that any policy opposed by the British Medical Association can’t be all bad.
Noel Plumridge: SHAs need to decide their priorities, and soon
One of the more dramatic parts of the 2011-12 operating framework is the withholding, by strategic health authorities, of 2 per cent of primary care trust funding.
NHS market faces closer EU attention
Government plans to allow “any willing provider” to compete for most NHS clinical contracts could expose the health service to challenge under European competition law, experts warn.
Cancer strategy relies more heavily on charities
Cancer networks are to lose guaranteed funding while the government will rely on investment from charities to achieve its ambition for one to one cancer care.
PCT directors warned over cluster job conditions
Primary care trust directors are being warned not to move into new cluster roles without firm assurances about pay and job descriptions.
HSJ Knowledge
The four challenges facing consortia
In the first part of their series on commissioning, Stephen Hill and colleagues look at how GPs can add value to the process