All Commissioning articles – Page 211
London in talks over PCT mergers
NHS London and the Department of Health are in talks about merging London’s 31 primary care trusts into just six bodies, HSJ has learned.
Nicholson steps up reform with radical savings move
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has paved the way for primary care trusts to be merged as a means to make significant savings while implementing the health white paper.
Continence care criticised
People with continence problems face a “life sentence” of suffering due to poorly organised NHS care, a report said claimed.
HSJ Knowledge
Commissioning for outcomes
The report from The Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund Where next for commissioning in the English NHS? describes the Health Service as reaching a “fork in the road”.
HSJ Knowledge
Coaching for leaders
Public Service Management Wales is the leadership development arm of the Welsh Assembly Government, working with the full range of public services across Wales.
White paper leads to shake up in top posts at SHAs
UPDATED: Department of Health announces managers who will lead the transition implementing the white paper.
Porn in IVF units criticised
Trusts have been criticised for supplying pornography in IVF facilities.
Warning over scale of task of replacing PCTs
The true scale of the task which will be picked up by GPs, local authorities, the national commissioning board and other agencies following the abolition of primary care trusts is being significantly underestimated.
PCTs make a good shot at prioritisation
With GP consortia on course to take over commissioning, a report seen by HSJ shows PCTs have been preparing the ground well by getting to grips with the fundamentals of local priority setting. Dave West explains
It’s not just commissioning – who will fill the PCT vacuum?
Margaret Angier had news for the readers of the Sheffield Telegraph. The chair of a local mental health group, Ms Angier wrote to the paper about the government’s health reforms.
Chris J Hawkey: A new opening for transparency
Clinicians must put away self-interest if they are to earn the new powers set out in the white paper
Noel Plumridge on axes and accountability
A useful little word the French have borrowed from English in recent times is un tilt. Derived from pinball, a primitive pre-Super Mario form of entertainment now virtually extinct, it denotes in French a sudden, unforeseen and complete disruption of previous plans. Game over.
HSJ Knowledge
Mental health preferred providers: stick to your guns on pricing
East Midlands primary care trusts scrutinised the costs of mental healthcare packages and made huge savings with a list of preferred providers, as Jennifer Taylor explains
DH to have veto over DPH appointments
The new “public health service” will “not be a separate legal entity from the DH” and its directors will be jointly appointed by the Department of Heath and local authorities, a DH briefing document seen by HSJ states.
'Charities need to provide much more for the NHS'
No one in healthcare doubts that the public debt crisis has initiated a period of radical change across the NHS. The essential challenge is to become more efficient and flexible.
The health community remains doubtful of Cameron’s big idea
Does the “big society” have any relevance to the future of the NHS?
Poor data reporting skews palliative care spending picture
A government report has pointed to significant variations in the amount primary care trusts spend on end of life care.
Social enterprise bid rethink by North East PCTs
A ballot on whether to turn three primary care trust provider arms in the North East into a social enterprise has been suspended.
Burnham calls on Lib Dems to vote down reform
Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham has written to all Liberal Democrat MPs urging them to vote against the coalition government’s plans for reform of the NHS.
FT proposals: 'difficult questions' remain
White paper plans for moving trusts to foundation status are “not very sophisticated”, the NHS Confederation has warned.