All Commissioning articles – Page 244

  • News

    PCTs failing to decommission services


    Two out of three primary care trusts failed to decommission any services last year, showing the extent of the challenge they face to become world class commissioners.

  • News

    Killer health conditions go unseen by GPs


    Only half of all patients with some killer conditions have been diagnosed and treated by their doctor.

  • Leader

    Calm before the storm as PCTs prepare to flex their muscles


    This week's HSJ survey of the extent to which primary care trusts have been decommissioning services represents the calm before the storm of world class commissioning.

  • News

    Foundation trusts get £300m in a year-end spending rush


    Foundation trusts were handed up to £300m in advance payments by primary care trusts towards the end of the last financial year, HSJ has been told. The prepayments were made as some primary care trusts struggled to keep 2007-08 surpluses below 'control totals' set by the Department of Health.

  • Comment

    Clinical leadership in out of hours services


    The Department of Health has signalled that it may allow practice-based commissioning consortiums to take over commissioning out of hours services. Rick Stern explains why this would be good for patients and budgets

  • News

    Hundreds tune in to HSJ's live online commissioning debate


    HSJ hosted a live online debate on commissioning this morning.The debate covered areas such as decisions by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, devolving power to primary care trusts and the provider/commissioner split.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Primary numbers


    Commissioning is no longer just about PCTs checking the invoices from the acute trust or the ISTC. Andy Cowper investigates the key role of information in commissioning in primary care.

  • News

    Tories: Labour using NHS money for votes


    The government is 'manipulating' the NHS funding allocation formula to 'shore up' votes in areas loyal to Labour, the Conservatives have claimed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equipping the service to maximise information


    The NHS Information Centre has a wide range of products and services designed to support commissioners.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Informed commissioning


    Ministers want to transform NHS commissioning from a sleepy pussycat into a sleek, sharp-toothed tiger. And good-quality information will be the key to success. Andy Cowper reports.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    World class commissioning online debate


    Click here to watch HSJ’s online debate on world class commissioning now!

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The Honest Broker


    In an era of patient choice and world class commissioning, The NHS Information Centre believes its role is to be the 'honest broker' of the data needed to drive improvements in healthcare. Andy Cowper reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Auditing diabetes prevalence in Salford


    The NHS Information Centre’s range of products and services are all intended to support better clinical practice. The National Diabetes Audit proved invaluable in Salford, Greater Manchester. Dr Bob Young, consultant diabetologist at the city’s Hope Hospital, said the audit highlighted a much smaller number of people than expected in ...

  • News

    HSJ online debate on world class commissioning - tomorrow


    Don’t forget to tune in to HSJ’s free, interactive, online debate on world class commissioning tomorrow morning at 9.30 (2 October).Expert speakers include Gary Belfield, Simon Stevens and Andrew Donald. It will be essential viewing for all those looking to achieve world class commissioning.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Getting to the bottom of NHS diabetes care


    Diabetes is on the rise and is estimated to be responsible for more than one in 10 deaths in England - so why are more GPs not detecting and monitoring it, asks Emma Dent

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equitable access to primary care


    Andrew Daly explains how the Department of Health's equitable access to primary medical care programme is working to improve patient care

  • News

    Prizes for world class commissioning winners


    Primary care trusts that are successful in world class commissioning may win the right to name the salaries of their senior managers and non-executive directors.

  • News

    DH intervention forces cancer rethink


    A primary care trust has been forced to review its plans to centralise specialist gastrointestinal cancer services after what is believed to be an unprecedented intervention by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Out of hours care standards to be applied to urgent care


    National standards for out of hours providers could be extended to cover some in-hours services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HIV services: caring for older patients


    As people with HIV/AIDS live longer, services must adapt to meet the needs of more patients and the first generation of HIV-positive pensioners. Emma Dent reports