All Commissioning articles – Page 245

  • News

    Learning disability housing plans at risk


    The pledge to shut all 'outmoded' NHS homes for adults with learning disabilities by 2010 is at risk, HSJ has learnt. Poor quality local proposals have been blamed for slow progress on the commitment.

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    Charities warn on information prescriptions scheme


    Charities in information prescription pilots have warned the scheme risks failure unless it is mandatory and supported by incentives.

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    Lord Carter to head up NHS competition panel


    Lord Carter of Coles is to be the first chair and director of the NHS Co-operation and Competition Panel.

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    ISTCs: where are all the patients?


    Under-capacity independent sector treatment centres look set to leave the health service £350m out of pocket, despite an upturn in the number of patients treated. Could a system facelift improve usage? Alison Moore investigates

  • Comment

    Mike Hobbs on mental health discrimination


    People with mental illness are subject to prejudice in our society. Although attitudes to people with anxiety and depression have improved, attitudes towards people with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia have worsened.

  • HSJ Partners

    The advance of primary care information


    While the NHS has a rich, central resource of acute care information at its fingertips, the same cannot be said for primary care, writes Dave Roberts

  • Comment

    Maggie Rae on world class efforts


    The Olympics may be behind us but the legacy of rigorous training lives on in primary care trusts across the country as they prepare for the world class commissioning competency assessment process.

  • News

    Community mental health services 'improving'


    Community mental health services are improving, but there is still inadequate access and involvement of service users, a Healthcare Commission survey has shown.The annual survey of mental health service users showed a larger percentage had confidence in the mental health professionals treating them and had received copies of their care ...

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    High Court decision on cancer drug


    The High Court has overturned a primary care trust's refusal to fund cancer drug Revlimid for a cancer suffer with only months to live.

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    DH publishes plans for failing NHS trusts


    The Department of Health has published its proposals for managing failing NHS hospitals and trusts.

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    Chair of NHS co-operation and competition panel named


    The first chair and director of the NHS co-operation and competition panel will be Lord Carter of Coles. He will take up the post in October.

  • News

    NHS inequalities row is shrouded in secrecy


    The question of whether poor urban areas should continue to get the most funding is about fundamental NHS principles - so why is it being discussed behind closed doors? Sally Gainsbury reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Bringing mental health under the NHS wing


    Successive governments have left mental health in the shadows. At the Liberal Democrat conference leader Nick Clegg will outline his plans to turn the sector around and make it truly patient centred

  • News

    PCT anger over spending study findings


    Primary care trusts have reacted angrily to a King's Fund report highlighting unexplained variations in spending on cancer, heart disease and mental health.

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    Liberal Democrats voice support for top ups


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has called for patients to be allowed to pay for extra treatment without losing the right to free NHS care.

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    London Health Commission appoints chairman


    Councillor Mary O'Connor has been appointed chairman of the London Health Commission.

  • News

    DH figures show slight rise in diagnostic waits


    The Department of Health has published waiting times for 15 key diagnostic tests to the end of July.The figures show a slight increase in long-term waiters compared with the previous month.

  • News

    King's Fund reports variations in disease spend


    A King's Fund report claims to reveal widespread variations in how much primary care trusts spend on treating different diseases, even after differing needs are taken into account.Spending varies 2.9 fold on mental health, 2.5 fold on cancer and 2.2 fold on circulatory diseases, according to Local Variations in Priorities: ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health foundation trusts: F marks the spot


    Just under half of mental health trusts have achieved foundation status. Helen Mooney looks at the options for those that may not be able to make the grade

  • Comment

    Julia Tybura on visualising world class commissioning


    Watching the Olympic women's weightlifting - yes, I should get out more - I was struck by the sheer focus of a Chinese woman who won gold.