All Commissioning articles – Page 254

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    West Kent patient safety


    Contrary to the comments made by shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley, West Kent primary care trust came into being in October 2006, some six months after the start of the outbreak of C difficile at hospitals run by Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust, writes Bob Deans

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Home-grown change will reshape the NHS


    The number of primary care trusts needs to reduce further, but another top-down reorganisation should be avoided - this time world class commissioning will drive a natural, bottom-up change

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    Patient affairs lead is 'not a new czar'


    The Department of Health has appointed a new diabetes czar and a director of patient and public affairs.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Richard Gleave on healthcare wholesalers


    Mastering the latest management jargon is as much of a skill in the US as it is in the NHS. Even after several months, I am still a novice and get especially confused by the sporting analogies: it is easy to guess what is meant by a 'play book', but ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to close the readmission revolving door


    New software takes the guesswork out of assessing readmission risk, helping services to target resources. Louise Hunt reports

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    Confed responds to NAO report


    Commenting on yesterday's NAO report on the GP contract, NHS Confederation primary care trust network director David Stout said: 'The work of PCTs in world class commissioning recognises the need to make better use of contractual levers to improve the commissioning of general practice and develop a range of skills ...

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    Tee calls for cash incentives


    NHS Direct could be paid extra to focus on taking calls from patients living in deprived areas or with specific health needs, its chief executive Matt Tee has revealed.

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    Eleventh-hour changes to GP contract left PCTs with bill


    The introduction of the new GP contract led to a 57 per cent increase in payments to practices in just three years, the National Audit Office has found. The huge increase was fuelled by a last-minute concession to the British Medical Association that sidelined the government's own priority to tackle ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on Premier League performance


    Do names matter? Since arriving back in the NHS and PCT land, I haven't had much chance to think about titles or the name of our organisation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Where NICE leads, can commissioners follow?


    There is still a chasm between the process of writing recommendations and the people responsible for commissioning the services to deliver them. Can world class commissioning bring these closer together, asks Martin Dougherty

  • News

    Ministers vs GPs: how did it come to this?


    The GP contract talks have been played out for the public, with both sides taking to the airwaves. Ingrid Torjesen explores why a couple of extra hours a week has created such a conflict

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning begins at home


    The Teenage Cancer Trust has blazed a trail for charities by investing in commissioning. Sue McLellen and Simon Davies explain

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    Basic data 'should be free'


    The chief executive of the Information Centre has promised to 'put right' the perception that Dr Foster has Intelligence unfair access to NHS data.

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    Hospitals gain ground in acute services battle


    Three West Sussex hospitals have moved a step closer to retaining many of their acute services.

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    Of equal weight…


    Your coverage of two related issues in HSJ in separate articles is timely (news analysis and opinion, 14 February). What Sophia Christie's column fails to mention is the pressure faced by NHS colleagues to fund Lucentis in advance of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence issuing its final ...

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    Whither NHS reform?


    Richard Vize makes a sweeping dig at the British Medical Association and GPs, your traditional villains, and will probably get a quick laugh from the cheap seats. But has HSJ missed a point here?

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    Failure to assess


    Congratulations for highlighting out-of-area assessments for mental healthcare. This problem is not confined to people needing to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, writes Linda Davidson

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    BMA will fight


    It is not the BMA which is 'grossly misrepresenting' the argument over GP opening hours. It is the government's campaign of misinformation, inaccurate media reporting and misleading articles such as Richard Vize's blinkered editorial, writes Robert Morley

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    Is it reasonable to audit GPs' hours?


    Far from 'standing between patients and a better service' over longer GP opening hours, the British Medical Association has said most GPs would offer appointments in extended hours, writes Richard Vautrey

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    minimum gp core hours


    The Department of Health has no plans to set a minimum number of consulting hours GP practices should provide during their contracted core hours. As the government plans to set a minimum threshold for hours practices must be available for appointments outside the hours of 8am to 6.30pm Monday to ...