All Commissioning articles – Page 255

  • News

    NHS private clinics 'underused'


    Independent sector treatment centres carrying out NHS care are not seeing as many patients as they have been contracted to treat, according to figures published by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Mayor flags up his blueprint for the future of London's health


    Preventable inequalities in health are unacceptable in a leading world city and have huge economic and social consequences, according to London mayor Ken Livingstone.

  • News

    Care 'top-up' ban may face day in court


    A leading solicitor has warned that the government's ban on NHS patients 'topping up' their care will end up before the courts.

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    Auditor finds PbR has 'questionable' impact on efficiency


    Payment by results has had a 'questionable' impact on driving up efficiency in the NHS, the Audit Commission has concluded.

  • News

    All or nothing: patients are told no to private top-ups


    Patients who choose to buy drugs that the NHS will not fund are being told they will have to pay for all their treatment - not just that part. Should trusts relent and offer mix-and-match packages of care, or would that mean a two-tier service? Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Breakdown of cross-border agreements is costing English trusts millions


    Diverging health policies in England and Wales are causing English hospitals to lose millions of pounds.

  • News

    Dr Foster admits flaws in east London report


    Doctor Foster Intelligence has admitted that a £47,000 report it prepared for a London council was seriously flawed, following an investigation by the information company's own ethics committee.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Risk prediction network created


    A new risk prediction network has been established to engage health and social care groups - including commissioners, clinicians, community matrons and NHS and social care managers - to share ideas, experiences and knowledge on different methods of predicting and stratifying risk of local health populations.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Risk prediction network created


    A new risk prediction network has been established to engage health and social care groups - including commissioners, clinicians, community matrons and NHS and social care managers - to share ideas, experiences and knowledge on different methods of predicting and stratifying risk of local health populations.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing technology in the health service


    One side effect of new technology is increased cost. In the latest in our series celebrating the NHS's 60th anniversary, Ingrid Torjesen asks how the service should decide what it can afford to offer

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on


    One of my enduring impressions of the NHS is that of mythology. Not the classical Greek type representing animal/human chimaeras but perhaps equally contradictory.There are a number of platitudes which people love to cite: “free at the point of delivery”, “the GP as gatekeeper”, and first prize has to go ...

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on challenging NHS rhetoric


    One of my enduring impressions of the NHS is that of mythology. Not the classical Greek type representing animal/human chimaeras but perhaps equally contradictory. There are a number of platitudes which people love to cite: “free at the point of delivery”, “the GP as gatekeeper”, and first prize has to ...

  • News

    'Pay for performance' could be next, says NHS medical director


    The NHS medical director has warned managers of the national clinical audit programme that they 'must deliver' or they could lose their contract.

  • News

    BUPA wins first deal to support commissioners


    Hillingdon primary care trust has signed a three-year deal with BUPA to help it commission services.

  • News

    Who foots the bill: establishing responsibility for patient care


    Delaying admission while PCTs decide who should pay disrupts care and adds to bureaucracy. Should we look to local government for guidance? Lynn Eaton reports

  • Comment

    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

  • Comment

    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Value for many - improving learning difficulties services


    A consultation on learning difficulties services seeks to help most service users to live in the community, while increasing monitoring and support. Mark Gould reports

  • News

    Community hospitals grab local care lifeline


    Two years after Our Health, Our Care, Our Say promised to shift care away from the acute sector, community hospitals are redefining how they provide services. Alison Moore looks at the emerging models and asks what has held up progress

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prevention is better than cure, but by how much?


    Finding the best way to measure the cost-effectiveness and health impact of preventive interventions could help secure more investment, write Julian Le Grand and Robert Sherriff