All Commissioning articles – Page 256

  • News

    Under-doctored areas told to share extra resources


    The 38 primary care trusts being given government money to tackle long-standing GP shortages will be expected to share the extra resources with their neighbours.

  • Comment

    Personal healthcare budgets - a real possibility?


    Hilary Blackwell asks whether putting people in charge of their own healthcare budgets could really work

  • News

    Patients denied admission as PCTs argue over who will pay


    Patients deemed to be a threat to themselves or others are being denied hospital beds while commissioners squabble over money.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Innovative Commissioning Award


    Category: Innovative commissioningWinner: Older people’s home treatment teamContact: Simon Sullivan, tel 07786 707331E-mail: simon.sullivan@wolvespct.nhs.ukThe older people's home treatment service based at Penn Hospital in Wolverhampton is a unique and innovative service providing specialist integrated mental health assessment, treatment and support for older adults with complex mental health needs.Mental health nurse ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strength in numbers - mental health partnerships


    The providers of services for people with schizophrenia in Liverpool saw ISIP as a great chance to bring the NHS and local authority together, as Helen Mooney explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At the heart of change - reducing coronary heart disease


    ISIP is helping to pull together existing work on prevention and treatment to tackle Hull's high mortality rates, reports Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Emergency care - steady progress, urgent need


    To help simplify highly complex emergency care processes, one health and social care community has signed up to a whole-system change programme. By Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public involvement - use strategy to buck the trends


    Commissioners, stakeholders and public are tackling health spend issues together within one primary care trust's strategic approach

  • News

    Payment by results consultation published


    The results of a consultation on the future of payment by results have been published by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Practices and PCTs at odds over budget survey claims


    Strategic health authorities have questioned whether a national survey of practice-based commissioning is valid.

  • News

    Why achieving equality in healthcare is proving tricky


    Spending on heart disease detection and treatment perfectly illustrates how the neediest patients often get the rawest deal. Could local scrutiny ensure fair play? Sally Gainsbury reports

  • Comment

    David Peat on getting world class commissioning right


    Call them benchmarks, standards or targets, it is no bad thing to have aspirations and the will to achieve. It is also good to be put on the spot sometimes, to help streamline the process and refine best practice.

  • News

    Henderson Hospital may be saved


    Fresh hope has been sparked that ministers could intervene to save a national psychiatry service, a month after commissioners decided to close it.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improvement culture: four tools for driving change


    Making things better is less about the nitty gritty than values, leadership, will and skill

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on Brown's first health speech


    Until last week, Gordon Brown had been surprisingly - even painfully - quiet on where he thought the NHS should be headed. But last Monday he finally showed some leg, in the form of his first major health pronunciamento since moving into Number 10.

  • News

    BMA under fire over GP pay row 'scare tactics'


    Primary care trusts have rounded on the British Medical Association for drawing patients into its pay row. The accusation comes after the doctors' union distributed thousands of posters warning the public that the family doctor service is under threat.

  • News

    NICE could rate all drugs for extra £1m a year


    Proposals to extend the work of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence would cost just £1m extra a year, or 3.5 per cent of its budget, its chief executive Andrew Dillon has estimated.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on managing cultures in the health service


    Naturally an optimist, I always like to start the new year reflecting on emerging opportunities. Primary care trusts had a lot to get excited about in the last few months of 2007 with the development and launch of world class commissioning. The experience has been reminiscent of the publication last ...

  • News

    HSJ's interview with Brown in full


    Transcript of HSJ's interview with prime minister Gordon BrownHSJ: When you talk about the preventive vision that you've outlined today, what action should health service managers take on that from now?GB: Well, it's going to be locally delivered more than nationally prescribed so managers themselves will be directly involved in ...

  • News

    NICE must reform say MPs


    The health select committee has recommended sweeping changes to the way the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence assesses what drugs and treatments should be available on the NHS.In their report published today the committee says that NICE’s cost threshold of£30,000 per quality life year gained, which it uses ...