All Commissioning articles – Page 257

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison welfare to healthcare


    Louise Berktay talks to the people working to drive up healthcare standards at a Birmingham prison

  • News

    Brown calls for 'deeper and wider' NHS reform


    Gordon Brown has promised greater personal and preventive healthcare as part of his vision for the NHS.In his first major speech on health since becoming prime minister, Mr Brown told an audience of health professionals in London that if the NHS is to meet the needs of the 21st century, ...

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    EU plans for health tourism


    Primary care trusts may be able to save money on non-urgent procedures by encouraging patients to go abroad, under EU plans to create a Europe-wide free market in health services.

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    New health check will rate PCT commissioning skills


    Primary care trusts will be assessed on the quality of commissioning as part of next year's health check.

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    PCTs must get creative with commissioning, report urges


    Primary care trusts must develop 'creative public health expertise' to ensure they are meeting the demands of world class commissioning, according to a new report.

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    Nicholson's operating framework gets mixed review


    Managers have given this year's NHS operating framework a mixed response, welcoming its emphasis on improved commissioning, while expressing concern that the national priorities are too prescriptive.

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    Race law warning from DoH


    The NHS's most senior equality official has warned that the Department of Health could stop working with organisations that do not fulfil their obligations under race equality legislation.

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    GPs told to get specialist commissioning help


    Practice-based commissioning should be changed to let mixed teams of hospital specialists and GPs decide how budgets are spent, according to a report by a leading health policy analyst.

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    Health policy lags behind NHS priorities, says report


    Health policy is 'tackling yesterday's problems' and failing to keep up with key priorities such as improving treatment for people with long-term conditions, says a report published today.

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    NHS money to go on social care


    People receiving social care are to be given control of their own budgets. NHS money will be allocated to councils to spend on social care services to keep people out of hospital.The programme, Putting People First, was set up with the support of six government departments and health and social ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Secure care: improving life in locked wards


    The latest specifications for housing patients in medium secure care clarify the rules and include welcome proposals to improve life in locked wards. Rebecca Norris reports

  • News

    Report exposes failings of private mental healthcare


    Commissioners have been urged to check the quality of private mental health providers, as figures reveal many are failing to meet national standards.

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    Home care push for cancer patients


    Cancer patients will spend less time in hospital and more will be treated at home or by community services under a five-year vision to improve cancer care.

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    psych nib


    Most primary care trusts see psychological therapies as unimportant, according to a report by the Artemis Trust. The charity has carried out a survey of the provision of psychological therapy services in primary care, which found that PCTs have a 'very poor picture' of what services were being provided. It ...

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    £17m earmarked for HIV support


    More than £17m in grants to finance commissioning and care for HIV and AIDS services has been announced.

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    Healthcare Commission slams learning disabilities care


    Services for people with learning disabilities provide poor care, with safety and quality not up to modern standards in even the best services, according to a report by the Healthcare Commission.The report says that although staff were committed to services, service users were often deprived of their human rights and ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning for public health - changing priorities


    Public health work has too often been isolated from other primary care trust functions. Now trusts in the North West are in the vanguard of efforts to ensure public health priorities drive commissioning, reports Daloni Carlisle

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    Practice-based commissioning: poor data may scupper efforts


    The future of practice-based commissioning is in jeopardy unless the quality of data available to commissioners improves, the government's financial watchdog has warned.

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    SHAs slash top-up payments for complex care


    Strategic health authorities have slashed the number of hospital providers eligible for 'top-up' payments for specialist treatment after coming under pressure from the Department of Health.

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    PCTs urged to put local patients before politicians


    Primary care providers must not 'blow' their chance to strengthen local decision making, says the Department of Health's director general for commissioning and system management.