All Commissioning articles – Page 48

  • contract
    HSJ Local

    Long-running contract row settled by trust and CCGs


    Mid Cheshire Foundation Trust and CCGs were unable to agree a deal on 2016-17 or 2017-18 contracts Expert determination, organised by regulators, ruled in April over the dispute The agreement has not been released but the trust described the result as “satisfactory” The dispute over a multimillion pound ...

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Ashworth: Labour backs Simon Stevens but new body will review STPs


    Labour shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth has pledged support for NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens, but said the role of reviewing sustainability and transformation plans would be handed to a reformed NHS Improvement.

  • Andrea Sutcliffe

    CQC: Social care £2bn not just for cutting hospital delays


    Additional government funding for social care this Parliament is “there for social care in its entirety”, not only preventing delays in hospitals, the sector’s chief inspector has said.

  • Lincoln one use 26 Feb
    HSJ Local

    CCG chief to lead STP


    Former chief executive of NHS 24 to lead Lincolnshire STP John Turner accepted responsibility as IT costs soared 73 per cent above business case figure STP aims to achieve a “seismic shift” with £205m service reconfiguration South Lincolnshire CCG chief officer John Turner has been appointed senior ...

  • Gp practice online booking reception receptionist
    HSJ Local

    GPs accuse their CCG of 'bias' in service closure row


    GPs call on commissioners to halt plans to close minor injuries units GPs have written to NHS England to claim their clinical commissioning group was subject to “misinformation and bias” over plans to close minor injuries units.

  • Hearing test
    HSJ Local

    Trust warns CCG over 'incredibly damaging' rationing proposals


    Foundation trust claims CCG plan to ration hearing aids would breach legal duties CCG says ‘difficult approach’ is proposed to help save £9.7m Bariatric surgery would also be restricted if plans go ahead A foundation trust is warning commissioners they risk breaching their legal duties by rationing ...

  • Generic  drugs

    Second court defeat for NHS England


    NHS England faces judicial review over decision not to fund drug for 7-year-old boy Lawyers will argue NHSE should have considered the boy’s welfare under the Children Act Victory could create a new duty on NHS England when making commissioning decisions affecting children Lawyers have been granted permission ...

  • merger
    HSJ Local

    Four CCGs to hire joint chief then create 'single organisation'


    CCGs in Derbyshire approve plans to create single commissioning organisation across thier STP footprint by April 2018 Plan to appoint a single accountable officer in the near future The four clinical commissioning groups in Derbyshire are to begin recruitment for a single shared chief officer, and are planning ...

  • tyne_river

    First commissioning support unit moves towards independence


    A shadow board has been set up to pave the way for a commissioning support unit to turn into a community interest company owned by its customers, HSJ can reveal.

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Beware stumbling into another 'Tory top-down reorganisation of the NHS'


    In an ominous echo of 2010, the Conservative party’s 2017 election manifesto includes a discreet mention which could snowball into a disruptive reorganisation of the NHS. 

  • mason steven
    HSJ Local

    Joint CCG and council chief resigns with immediate effect


    Council chief who was also accountable officer of CCG resigns Northumberland County Council chief executive Steven Mason was appointed accountable officer at Northumberland CCG in January Council announces Mr Mason has stood down with immediate effect A council chief who also led a clinical commissioning group as part ...

  • Matthew Tait

    Three CCGs in 'devolution' STP appoint shared chief officer


    New chief officer appointed to the three CCGs in Surrey Heartlands STP It has yet to be confirmed who will lead the STP following the departure of Julia Ross A single chief officer has been appointed across the three clinical commissioning groups in the Surrey Heartlands sustainability and ...

  • hospital corridor

    CCG targets millions in savings under Right Care programme


    West Kent CCG uses NHS Right Care data to identify five priority areas for savings Plans to reduce A&E attendances and prescribing costs Investment needed to change care models that no longer meeting patients’ needs Commissioners in Kent plan to save more than £7m by reducing unwarranted variation ...

  • Tracy Dowling
    HSJ Local

    CCG chief officer leaving to lead foundation trust


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG chief to head up mental health and community care trust Tracy Dowling replaces Aidan Thomas who is retiring in the summer Ms Dowling is also accountable officer of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group chief officer Tracy Dowling is leaving ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Avoiding private providers


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • UK map

    18 week waits, March 2017: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for March 2017

  • Maggie MacIsaac
    HSJ Local

    Four CCGs share accountable officer after leadership reshuffle


    Maggie MacIsaac takes up role as accountable officer across four Hampshire CCGs Departing CCG chief to remain in charge of the county’s STP Appointment is first move towards establishing single leadership team Four clinical commissioning groups have appointed a single accountable officer as part of a new partnership ...

  • pills

    Exclusive: NICE to routinely review drugs' budget impact for NHS England


    NICE asked by NHS England to analyse the “finance impact” of new potential treatments Second programme in which a NICE review of treatment costs could potentially impact access NICE will grade clinical evidence available for each treatment, which may impact rare disease medicines The National Institute for Health ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Private ambulance firm blames 'cash flow issues' for staff pay delay


    A clinical commissioning group has sought assurances from the private firm awarded a £6m patient transport contract, after staff were warned they would not be paid their first month’s wages in full.

  • Stevens at pac

    Simon Stevens: NHS will 'roll up sleeves' on service reform after election


    NHS England chief executive reasserts commitment to “operational priorities” of Next Steps regardless of election outcome Stevens: 2017-18 will be a “sleeves rolled up year” in which integrated care is “made real” There is “a lot of work to do” on workforce, capital and infrastructure NHS England to announce ...