All Commissioning articles – Page 58

  • News

    CCGs warned over withholding payments from mental health providers


    New guidance published to help mental health sector move away from block contracts Contracts should be either a capitated or episodic and have a proportion of payment linked to outcomes and targets Warning that CCGs withholding outcome based payments from struggling organisations risk creating an “adversarial relationship” Local ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: STP first impressions


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Leeds town hall
    HSJ Local

    City CCGs working towards 'shared leadership' and ACO


    Three CCGs could adopt a shared leadership team and governance arrangement Leader of Leeds West CCG says her organisation will not merge with city’s other two commissioners CCGs are conducting a strategic and integrated commissioning review Health leaders in Leeds are exploring new “shared leadership and governance” arrangements, ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England loses landmark drug appeal


    Court of Appeal upholds judgment that NHS England has power to commission PrEP If NHS England commissions drug it could result in other treatments earmarked for funding not being commissioned Judge criticises Lansley reforms for creating “bureacratic squabbles” between NHS and local government on funding responsibilitie NHS England ...

  • Mark lloyd new site

    STPs will struggle without 'democratic' involvement, says council chief


    Councils’ involvement in drawing up sustainability and transformation plans has varied “significantly” across the country, Local Government Association chief executive Mark Lloyd has said.

  • Nicola blackwood 3x2

    Minister: Capita 'inadequately' prepared for primary care contract


    Minister claims Capita were “inadequately” prepared to take over primary care support services NHS England admits poor performance has impacted on patients Nicola Blackwood argues previous PCS service needed to change Capita promise to employ 500 extra full time equivalent staff at own expense A health minister has ...

  • Jigsaw puzzle

    NHS England sets new rules for CCG mergers


    Clinical commissioning group mergers must create footprints that help deliver sustainability and transformation plans, and which are “future proofed” for the emergence of accountable care providers, under new NHS England guidance.

  • mental health parity

    Revealed: The CCGs cutting mental health budgets


    New data shows more than a fifth of commissioners are not raising mental health funding as much as directed by NHS leaders 46 of the 209 CCGs have failed to achieve the “parity of esteem” mental health budget increase Eight CCGs have cut planned mental health spending over the ...

  • Brighton
    HSJ Local

    Leadership shake-up at 'inadequate' CCG


    Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group has appointed a new chair and new chief accountable officer.

  • Ambulance

    Analysis: Commissioners have questions to answer over failed contract


    The “phased withdrawal” of Coperforma from providing Sussex’s patient transport service has been greeted with a sigh of relief from unions and many patients. But it leaves many questions unanswered.

  • ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Company 'disappointed' to give up patient transport contract after seven months


    Coperforma, the company which is handing back its Sussex patient transport contract, has said it is “disappointed” but has not commented on a critical inspection report.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Patient transport firm to relinquish contract after CQC concerns


    An independent patient transport provider is to hand back a £63m contract to the NHS, as it was revealed the Care Quality Commission has served six improvement notices on it.

  • ultrasound

    New CCG ratings: 75 per cent failing on maternity care


    NHS England finds 74.2 per cent of CCGs not meeting maternity standards Sevenfold variation in the likelihood of neonatal death Almost 20 per cent variation found across England in how women perceived patient choice and maternity experience Almost 75 per cent of clinical commissioning groups are failing to ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    More than half of CCGs 'need to improve mental health services'


    More than half of CCGs judged as needing to improve local mental health services New NHS England framework ranked 127 of the 209 CCGs as “needs improvement” or “greatest need for improvement” Ratings published at same time as new mental health dashboard, which shows how commissioners are performing against ...

  • David hill

    STPs must stay the right side of the law


    It is crucial to design sustainability and transformation plans well if their good work is not to be derailed by legal challenges

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Relationships problems, still


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Susan Robinson

    STP leads have 'duty to talk with the public'


    Healthwatch warns “sense of fear” among policymakers risks leaving public consultations until the “very end” of the STP process Chair warns public is at risk of “feeling betrayed” over lack of engagement Healthwatch has previously said the speed of the STP process “has been a challenge” Healthwatch England ...

  • Oxford
    HSJ Local

    STP-wide commissioning team to take powers from CCGs


    “Commissioning executive” covering seven CCGs to be set up to help commission services across Buckingham, Oxfordshire and Berkshire STP Mental health, ambulance services and 111 will be under board’s new remit The executive will also be asked to sign off a single operating plan to cover STP footprint ...

  • 3002153 busy hospital

    Survey finds few local leaders confident STPs will deliver


    Very few local NHS leaders believe STPs are likely to deliver the intended improvements to finance and performance in the next 18 months, an HSJ survey suggests.

  • Generic pie chart

    Exclusive: Survey reveals STPs' service change priorities


    The types of service changes and structural reform that will dominate sustainability and transformation plans are revealed in HSJ’s survey of senior local NHS decision makers.