All Commissioning articles – Page 73

  • Surgery
    HSJ Local

    Thousands of patients adrift on specialist trust waiting lists


    Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt FT has identified 14,500 follow-up patients beyond their due date More than 1,200 planned patients had no date or a date that had been missed Monitor to appoint improvement director to oversee recovery plan PATIENT SAFETY: Thousands of patients at a specialist acute ...

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    CCG scrambles to find ‘emergency’ GP providers


    Sunderland CCG searching for providers to take on temporary contracts for three GP practices CCG failed to ensure services would be provided in six months to October 2016 Practices say CCG did not inform them clearly of procurement plans COMMERCIAL: Commissioners in the North East are urgently searching ...

  • NHS castle

    No more white knights please


    NHS England needs a chief clinical information officer for the successful application of digital technology and implementation of the forward view. By Ewan Davis

  • Ambulance2
    HSJ Local

    Greater Manchester CCGs call for region-wide ambulance contract


    Commissioners are exploring whether they can form a new contract for emergency ambulance services across Greater Manchester.

  • Matthew Custance KPMG

    We must keep our heads to reach new heights


    Providers must not feel commissioning for outcomes deals require them to scale an impossible height in a single jump 

  • Paul Baumann

    NHS England aims to double underspend to £400m


    NHS England finance director aims for £400m underspend Savings would be enough to offset provider deficits in 2015-16 Surplus driven by one-off measures that would not help in 2016-17 NHS England’s forecast 2015-16 underspend is set to double this month to £400m, which combined with other emergency financial ...

  • Southend Pier

    No plan to shut hospitals in Essex success regime


    No plans to close a hospital but downgrading of specialised and A&E units not ruled out System leaders set out six areas the Essex Success Regime will focus on Trusts to look at closer working and developing a more flexible workforce No hospitals will be closed across mid ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trusts ask Monitor for tariff hike


    Monitor has received 16 requests for tariff hikes since April 2014 Morecambe Bay has secured modified prices which should result in extra £25m per year Worcestershire Acute Trust withdrew application for “further engagement” with commissioners At least eight NHS trusts have sought to boost their income by asking ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Baumann looks for new savings to help DH's bottom line


    NHS England bosses look for extra savings in light of the predicted provider deficit CCG sector forecasts year-end deficit of £51.3m NHS England commissioning was overspent in first eight months of the 2015-16 NHS England has revealed it is actively looking for new savings beyond its planned surplus ...

  • Workforce

    Taking the workforce challenge early on


    Can we set the tone early in 2016 for the health service to tackle its workforce challenges

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Exclusive: NICE experts called for minimum staff ratios in leaked guidance


    Guidelines for A&E safe staffing, leaked to HSJ, recommended minimum nurse/patient ratios Documents suggest lower nursing numbers linked to poor patient outcomes Ratio recommendations were made despite government resistance Read the guidance Suppressed NICE safe staffing guidance for hospital emergency departments called for the NHS to implement minimum ...

  • UK map

    Map: Which health systems are struggling the most?


    This map shows which health systems are performing most poorly across a range of measures, and two which are performing well, according to HSJ’s analysis.

  • UK map
    HSJ Local

    18 week waits, January 2016: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for January 2016

  • Steve Kell

    NHS Clinical Commissioners co-chair steps down


    Steve Kell is to step down as co-chair of NHS Clinical Commissioners and as chair of Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group.

  • GP

    Primary care funding: the risers and fallers


    Four CCG areas will see primary care fund increase by more than 10 per cent Islington to get the largest increase next year Forty areas will see real terms cuts to their primary care budgets in 2017-18 Explore the data Four clinical commissioning group areas will see a ...

  • integration town hall

    Better care fund £1bn payment for performance scheme axed


    £1bn of pooled health and social care funding will no longer be subject to national rules Providers and commissioners instructed to produce plans to cut delayed transfers New “streamlined” assurance process for better care fund plans Changes welcomed by CCGs and councils Ministers have axed the £1bn payment ...

  • David Cameron

    No new money as Cameron sets out mental health priorities


    David Cameron reveals initial spending commitments ahead of mental health taskforce report Priorities include young people, mothers, A&E and community mental health patients Announcement does not include any new money for mental health services David Cameron has spelled out £1bn of spending priorities on mental health services in ...

  • Sunderland

    CCG allocations: winners and losers revealed


    Real terms cut in 2016-17 for Hammersmith and Fulham, Camden, Central London, West London, Sunderland and Isle of Wight CCGs Deeper cuts in subsequent years as NHS England accelerates to “fair share” funding targets Bedfordshire and Corby to get core budget increases approaching 10 per cent next year See ...

  • 2016 jpg

    The 21 questions the NHS must answer this year


    2016 is one of the NHS’s rare ‘years of opportunity’. The questions below will determine whether it is a success or failure

  • Shredded paper

    Exclusive: Deadline for CSU independence could be scrapped


    NHS England proposes to scrap the deadline for CSUs to become autonomous CSUs could be given access to working capital, but only if it is affordable to NHS England CSUs could have more flexibility over the type of independent organisation they become NHS England says CCG procurements will shape ...