All Community services articles – Page 43

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: The £6bn contract


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing
    HSJ Local

    CQC scathing of leadership at special measures trust


    Isle of Wight Trust placed in special measures after inadequate rating from CQC Former chief executive stepped down on 31 March ahead of report’s publication Senior leadership “did not have sufficient capability… to ensure quality and safety of services”, CQC says England’s only fully integrated hospital, mental health, ...

  • Contract 3x2
    HSJ Local

    Virgin Care and CCG in dispute over changes to £270m contract


    East Staffordshire CCG in dispute with Virgin Care over “prime provider” contract CCG’s finances at risk due to disagreement with the provider over potential changes to £270m community services contract Burton Hospitals FT unable to sign subcontract with Virgin Care, with risks for its control total A Midlands ...

  • News

    More CCGs risk deficit after care home price hike


    Commissioning leaders fear funded nursing care price hike could push more CCGs into deficit FOI requests reveal CCGs estimate the rise cost them £152m in 2016-17 Price hike from £112 to £156.25 a week was announced by the Department of Health last year and backdated to April 2016 DH ...

  • cancer x rays
    HSJ Local

    Cancer network to move treatment into the community


    Non-surgical cancer treatment to be shifted into community settings Cancer network is waiting to hear if it has been granted £6.5m from NHS England Redesigned clinical pathways have so far yielded mixed results Three London trusts have agreed to redesign their cancer services to try to improve patient ...

  • Heart monitor
    HSJ Local

    Keogh review trust back in special measures


    Northern Lincolnshire and Goole put back in special measures by NHS Improvement Trust was one of the first placed into the regime following the 2013 Keogh review but was removed in 2014 Care Quality Commission rates the trust inadequate in most recent report A struggling hospital trust which ...

  • Hospital_bed

    'Silly' bed closures made winter pressures worse, says NHSI chief


    Many acute trusts reported capacity problems over the winter after being unable to discharge patients to community beds or care homes NHS Improvement estimated 8 per cent of out of hospital beds were closed compared to the previous winter Jim Mackey says local organisations must work better to understand ...

  • lecture

    New £2bn training supplier framework created for NHS


    NHS Shared Business Services creating new framework for apprentice training supplies The framework available free of charge to the NHS Potential market value for is estimated at £2bn by 2021 NHS Shared Business Services is creating a new framework for suppliers of apprenticeship training with a potential market ...

  • Contract 3x2
    HSJ Local

    CCG to put £1.3bn MCP contract up for tender


    Commissioners in Yorkshire, who are not one of NHS England’s national vanguards, have signalled their intention to tender a new care model contract worth more than £1bn, HSJ has learned.

  • older woman

    Exclusive: Vanguard project cuts A&E admissions of over 65s


    A Nottinghamshire MCP vanguard has had 23 per cent fewer emergency admissions for care home residents, new analysis has revealed Health Foundation report shows lower A&E attendances and admissions of residents in the Principia MCP but no link to lower elective admissions or outpatient attendances NHS England and the ...

  • 13 liverpool city
    HSJ Local

    'Incompetent' regulator cancels troubled services takeover


    NHS Improvement stops takeover of Liverpool community services Bridgewater Community Healthcare was the preferred bidder but the transfer was paused in February after trust was rated requires improvement Alder Hey Children’s FT will provide the services on a short term management arrangement until an “alternative option” is found ...

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich, South London Healthcare NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Circle signs trust's wish list to mitigate impact of new contract


    Circle signs agreement to reduce financial impact on trust which lost contract Includes termination clause if planned MSK activity levels at Lewisham and Greenwich Trust fall Trust will deliver care from five community hubs Circle Health has agreed to a set of actions designed to reduce the financial ...

  • Sunderland museum and winter gardens
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: CCG planning for single £340m MCP contract


    CCG at heart of MCP vanguard hopes to bring the service under a single contract by 2018 Sunderland CCG is working with the council on how the £340m contract will be procured Health leaders will write a business case on what form the new MCP provider will take ...

  • Plaster
    HSJ Local

    Hospital trust creates primary care company


    Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT to create new arm’s length company The new body will provide services to more than 30,000 patients Development follows trust taking on five GP surgeries Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust has created a new arm’s length limited company to provide GP services to more ...

  • Jeremy Hunt
    HSJ Local

    Hunt to have final say over flagship hospital reforms


    Health secretary will have final say over maternity reconfiguration proposed by success regime Cumbria CCG agreed changes to acute and community services last week County council has now referred the CCG’s decision over maternity services to Jeremy Hunt Jeremy Hunt will have the final say over whether service ...

  • Walk in centre
    HSJ Local

    CCG decides minor injury units to be closed and replaced


    CCG governing body decides to close three minor injuries units and replace three others with urgent care centres East Riding of Yorkshire CCG also approved plans to create an integrated community and intensive rehabilitation centre The CCG will commission 15 “time to think” beds for the region, but close ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: The unproven case for extended GP access


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • community nurse

    Community providers face new staffing requirements


    Community service providers need better tools to meet safe staffing levels District nursing providers should review staffing annually and benchmark their services, NHSI says Report is the latest safe staffing guidance to be published by the regulator Providers of district nursing services lack the tools to plan staffing ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Exclusive: Full £800m NHS 'priorities' fund to offset trust deficits


    Contingency fund held back from CCGs will be used to offset financial deficits among NHS trusts. Simon Stevens said the money would otherwise have been available for mental health, community and primary care services The fund was created after Department of Health breached spending limit in 2015-16 About ...

  • Workforce

    Latest safe staffing guidance unveiled


    Mental health providers told to carry out evidence based strategic staffing reviews New guidance follows suspension of NICE safe staffing work in 2015 Document says professional judgement alone cannot be relied on to set staffing levels Mental health trusts must carry out evidence based reviews of staffing levels ...