All Community services articles – Page 44
HSJ Local
Regulator called in to settle trust’s multimillion pound rent dispute
Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust and NHS Property Services unable to agree lease terms after 14 months Trust refusing to pay unpaid rent worth £5.7m Arbitrators from NHS Improvement called in to resolve dispute NHS Improvement has been brought in to resolve a dispute between NHS Property Services and ...
Expert Briefing
VAT risk for major Manchester contract
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
HSJ Local
Trust chief executive announces retirement
The chief executive of a London acute trust has announced he is retiring this autumn.
CCG targets millions in savings under Right Care programme
West Kent CCG uses NHS Right Care data to identify five priority areas for savings Plans to reduce A&E attendances and prescribing costs Investment needed to change care models that no longer meeting patients’ needs Commissioners in Kent plan to save more than £7m by reducing unwarranted variation ...
Regulator action against hospitals more than doubles in a year
CQC’s year-end performance report reveals 133 per cent jump in enforcement action CQC says it is seeing improvement when inspectors return to providers Regulator finished 2016-17 with a £14m underspend against budget The number of enforcement actions taken against hospital providers in England by the Care Quality Commission ...
HSJ Local
City leaders make first moves towards 'virtual' MCP
Health leaders in Portsmouth working towards new alliance agreement “Virtual” MCP contract could be in place in 2017-18 Priority areas for service change already identified Primary and community care leaders in the Portsmouth area are planning the first steps towards rolling out a new care model.
HSJ Local
Southern Health prosecuted for second time over patient death
England’s largest community and mental health provider will be prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive following the death of a patient.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Crashing the devo party
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
HSJ Local
Trust spent £42,000 on lawyers after losing £138m contract
Legal fees cost trust £42,000 after losing £138m contract Humber FT lost contract despite submitting cheaper bid than winning community interest company Commissioners referred to health secretary over decision to close minor injury units A trust challenging a clinical commissioning group’s decision to award a £138m contract ...
HSJ Local
NHSI blocked contract despite repeated assurances, says city mayor
Leaders in Liverpool were twice given assurances that inspection concerns about a community provider would not stop it taking over a major contract, before regulators changed their mind, HSJ has been told by the city’s mayor.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: The £6bn contract
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
HSJ Local
CQC scathing of leadership at special measures trust
Isle of Wight Trust placed in special measures after inadequate rating from CQC Former chief executive stepped down on 31 March ahead of report’s publication Senior leadership “did not have sufficient capability… to ensure quality and safety of services”, CQC says England’s only fully integrated hospital, mental health, ...
HSJ Local
Virgin Care and CCG in dispute over changes to £270m contract
East Staffordshire CCG in dispute with Virgin Care over “prime provider” contract CCG’s finances at risk due to disagreement with the provider over potential changes to £270m community services contract Burton Hospitals FT unable to sign subcontract with Virgin Care, with risks for its control total A Midlands ...
More CCGs risk deficit after care home price hike
Commissioning leaders fear funded nursing care price hike could push more CCGs into deficit FOI requests reveal CCGs estimate the rise cost them £152m in 2016-17 Price hike from £112 to £156.25 a week was announced by the Department of Health last year and backdated to April 2016 DH ...
HSJ Local
Cancer network to move treatment into the community
Non-surgical cancer treatment to be shifted into community settings Cancer network is waiting to hear if it has been granted £6.5m from NHS England Redesigned clinical pathways have so far yielded mixed results Three London trusts have agreed to redesign their cancer services to try to improve patient ...
HSJ Local
Keogh review trust back in special measures
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole put back in special measures by NHS Improvement Trust was one of the first placed into the regime following the 2013 Keogh review but was removed in 2014 Care Quality Commission rates the trust inadequate in most recent report A struggling hospital trust which ...
'Silly' bed closures made winter pressures worse, says NHSI chief
Many acute trusts reported capacity problems over the winter after being unable to discharge patients to community beds or care homes NHS Improvement estimated 8 per cent of out of hospital beds were closed compared to the previous winter Jim Mackey says local organisations must work better to understand ...
New £2bn training supplier framework created for NHS
NHS Shared Business Services creating new framework for apprentice training supplies The framework available free of charge to the NHS Potential market value for is estimated at £2bn by 2021 NHS Shared Business Services is creating a new framework for suppliers of apprenticeship training with a potential market ...
HSJ Local
CCG to put £1.3bn MCP contract up for tender
Commissioners in Yorkshire, who are not one of NHS England’s national vanguards, have signalled their intention to tender a new care model contract worth more than £1bn, HSJ has learned.
Exclusive: Vanguard project cuts A&E admissions of over 65s
A Nottinghamshire MCP vanguard has had 23 per cent fewer emergency admissions for care home residents, new analysis has revealed Health Foundation report shows lower A&E attendances and admissions of residents in the Principia MCP but no link to lower elective admissions or outpatient attendances NHS England and the ...