All Community services articles – Page 45

  • phone call
    HSJ Local

    Successful scheme to keep high risk patients out of hospital extended


    CCG hopes to expand project to reduce high risk patients’ need to go to hospital across STP area Vale of York CCG running a trial with Swedish firm Health Navigator to provide “proactive health coaching” to most at risk patients Two year, £600,000 contract is expected to save £1.4m ...

  • waiting room

    STPs: Community and primary care grow fastest as acute spend held down


    Community and primary care would see the fastest increases in funding, at the expense of slow growth in mental health and general acute spending falling in real terms, under detailed STP forecasts analysed by HSJ.

  • Trolley
    HSJ Local

    230 patients wait over 12 hours in A&E amid beds dispute


    UHNM trust warns number of medically fit for discharge patients could hit 300 a day by March Managers have raised concerns that cuts to community beds have impacted the trust CCGs believe the region is bed dependant and says alternative services are in place More than 230 patients ...

  • Signing paper

    Leading vanguards not ready to take on new GP contract


    Six “intensive” MCP sites working with NHS England have said they will not be close to signing new GP contract by April Manchester CCGs sign agreement with 91 GP practices to pursue MCP Modality Group to “hold ground” on partially integrated MCP model Whitstable MCP to go for “virtual” ...

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Emergency department to close as part of £245m savings plan


    Staffordshire STP outlines plans to close emergency department Savings of £245m will be made by 2021, including service closures STP aims to reduce A&E admissions by 20 per cent An accident and emergency department will close in Staffordshire along with 100 community hospital beds, according to the Staffordshire ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: 13 services could be decommissioned at major hospital trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has been warned 13 services could be decommissioned CCGs want to redesign the model for another 17 services Commissioners say the changes are to be completed by July One of the largest acute trusts in the country faces 13 services being decommissioned and 17 ...

  • Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Frimley Health takes over Southern Health services


    CCG says the integrated workforce will “help support the vanguard accountable care system” Southern Health staff will become employees of Frimley Health from 1 January Southern Health says the financial impact “will not affect our ability to deliver other services effectively” A vanguard foundation trust is preparing to ...

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: CCG challenged after 'inadequate consultation' on MCP


    Local GPs say there has been “inadequate consultation” from Wakefield CCG over MCP development GPs fear “automatic” progression to fully integrated MCP model Concerns raised that GPs will be forced to participate in MCP due to funding issues Wakefield CCG has applied to expand MCP coverage to whole district ...

  • 3009721 david williams expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Should Staffordshire's £1.2bn contracts be abandoned?


    The week in new care models It has been a huge week in new care models and health policy generally. There are at least three things I could have written about at length this week. Dudley! I gave a talk at the recent NHS Providers conference about great ...

  • Bristol one use
    HSJ Local

    Major children's services contract awarded to independent-led partnership


    Partnership of non-profit and NHS organisations awarded £34.6m a year children and young people’s community services contract in Bristol and south Gloucestershire Led by Sirona Care and Health and includes Bristol Community Health CIC, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust and University Hospitals Bristol FT Contract to provide ...

  • Royal Bournemouth Hospital
    HSJ Local

    First consultation begins on STP proposals


    First formal consultation begins on proposals put forward in an STP Plans in Dorset follow a long running clinical services review Proposals include substantial changes to acute and community services The first formal consultation has begun on major service changes proposals put forward in a sustainability and transformation ...

  • healthcare workers

    Hundreds of 'core' posts could be cut under STP proposal


    Nottinghamshire STP indicative workforce changes include 12 per cent cut in band five and similar roles Workforce appendix suggests 24 per cent increase in community and primary care workforce Plan aims to cut 200 hospital beds over the next two years Hundreds of band five nursing, social worker ...

  • HSJ Local

    Two FTs in line to take over services of scandal-hit trust


    Services run by Liverpool’s scandal-hit community provider look set to be split between two foundation trusts.

  • Humber bridge
    HSJ Local

    FT drops legal challenge to CCG over lost contract


    Humber Foundation Trust drops legal challenge to CCG over contract award Commissioners say successful bidder will be announced “shortly” A struggling foundation trust has withdrawn a High Court legal challenge over its losing out on a five-year community services contract.

  • Sarah calkin

    Plotting? Scheming? The reality behind the scenes at an STP


    What takes place behind closed doors has more to do with negotiation and details of principle than the scheming sometimes imagined by the public

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trusts and GPs to create 'ACO'


    Oxford University Hospital and Oxford Health Foundation to create not for profit organisation with GP federation The partners must agree contractual and organisational model by next week to enable some joint commissioning for 2017-18 Oxfordshire CCG will devolve all but its statutory accountabilities to the new organisation Two ...

  • Older man in bed with health worker tending to him
    HSJ Local

    Virgin wins contracts worth £65m


    Virgin Care has been awarded two five year contracts to provide community and urgent care services for a clinical commissioning group in Lancashire.

  • nurse

    Leak reveals plan for MCP rollout across south coast


    Primary care in central Sussex and east Surrey to be organised into 20 hubs £296.4m of savings predicted from moving elective care into the community Partner organisations hope “credible vision” will win vanguard funding Health leaders in central Sussex and east Surrey have an “ambitious programme” ...

  • scales_of_justice
    HSJ Local

    Trust launches High Court challenge over contract loss


    Humber Foundation Trust launches a legal challenge after losing out on a multimillion pound, five year contract Trust asks High Court to investigate the criteria used by commissioners to award the contract to another provider East Riding of Yorkshire CCG confirms legal action has been taken but not who ...

  • Nickpothecary 3x2

    Community mental health survey shows results falling short of ambitions


    The Care Quality Commission’s new findings indicate worrying failings in delivery of the government’s mental health strategy