All Community services articles – Page 67
Big jump in private share of NHS community services market
The share of NHS community health service funding going to private providers has sharply increased in recent years, a new study reveals.
HSJ Local
Acute trust bids for council funded integrated care contract
COMMERCIAL: South Tyneside Foundation Trust is bidding for a 10 year contract to run an “integrated care services hub”, put out to tender by the local authority.
Exclusive: Monitor launches probe of community service contracts
Monitor has launched an investigation into clinical commissioning groups’ intentions for the £10bn community services sector, HSJ has learned.
Hard to reach groups: Making a call on the mobile
A mobile van with groundbreaking technology and X-ray diagnosis is reaching the fringes of society
Local providers can step up to trump national players
We can offer more attractive solutions
HSJ Local
Trust wins back community services contract via GP partnership bid
COMMERCIAL: Pennine Care Foundation Trust has won one of the first community service contracts to be retendered with a partnership bid involving Age UK and a GP consortium.
HSJ Knowledge
Japan's integrated total care vision for an ageing population
A strategy to help people stay in the community
HSJ Local
Extra community nurses for Staffordshire
WORKFORCE: Sixty nine community nurses have been recruited to work in North Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
Run community hospitals as social enterprises and save the NHS millions
A culture driving change
Monitor: 'No evidence' of poorer quality of care in small hospitals
Small hospitals should continue to play an “important role” in the NHS, Monitor has indicated after a new study found “no evidence” of poorer quality clinical performance when compared with larger providers.
Non-acute leaders join Dalton review panel
Two healthcare chiefs with experience in the non-acute sector have joined the Dalton review panel
HSJ Knowledge
Take to the high street for community based eye care
Local treatments takes pressure off budgets
Clinicians in contact home and away
Technology can support UK’s growing number of older people
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CCG proposes awarding community contracts without competition
The country’s largest clinical commissioning group aims to skip common procurement procedures when awarding new contracts for community services, under proposals expected to test guidance on the controversial section 75 regulations.
Case study: The harsh reality and what should have happened to ensure the best care pathway
How an alternative pathway could have altered the results of care given to Mrs Andrews
HSJ Knowledge
HSJ commission scoping report: Pave the way for better elderly care
Landmark study sets out its aims
HSJ Local
Third of community trust staff report abuse from patients
WORKFORCE: A third of staff employed by Gloucestershire Care Services Trust have experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients and their relatives, a survey reveals.
HSJ Local
Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust appoints interim chief executive
WORKFORCE: Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust has appointed Mark Easton as its interim chief executive.
Integrated hotlines could exclude smaller providers
Plans by clinical commissioning groups to jointly procure NHS 111 and out of hours hotlines have sparked concerns that smaller providers could be squeezed out of the market.