All Community articles – Page 3

  • Crushing blow

    Crushing blow


    After speaking at a conference for trust chairs last week, NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson invited questions from the floor, like a lamb to the slaughter.

  • Community

    Too lean?


    Does Toyota’s drawn out recall of hundreds of thousands of potentially faulty cars raise questions over the future of Lean management in the NHS?

  • Community

    Exclusive fluff


    Notice has dropped into the End Game inbox of an “exclusive interview” published with Care Quality Commission interim chair Dame Jo Williams.

  • Drug reactions

    Drug reactions


    HSJ’s exclusive last week about “entrepreneurialism” at the Royal Surrey County Hospital Foundation Trust drew some interesting reactions.

  • Community

    Flowers, chocolate, chlamydia


    February is the month of romance, roses and, for one NHS region, chlamydia tests.

  • Bunker breath

    Bunker breath


    When it comes to riding on the coattails of other people’s fame, the British Dental Health Foundation may have taken the biscuit this week.

  • Community

    Great to good


    Department of Health witnesses appeared to be feeling the pressure during the latest round of the Commons health select committee’s inquiry into commissioning.

  • Community

    Red faced statisticians


    “Christmas Eve top day of the year for NHS births - Boxing Day is bottom,” announced the NHS Information Centre last week.

  • Community

    Life in the public [health] eye


    It could be argued that public health minister Gillian Merron has had it a tad easy this year. With the exception of a warning that chlamydia should be avoided and a quote about shingles being nasty, she seems to have landed all the fun jobs.

  • Community

    BMA says no


    One reader has come up with a tongue in cheek experiment, prompted by the British Medical Association’s anti-privatisation campaign.

  • Let's talk about death

    Let's talk about death


    A press release last week titled Let’s Talk About Death was particularly timely, coming amid hot debates about end of life care.

  • Community

    Not too many tweets


    Keeping up to date with mental health policy is about as high on Joe Bloggs’ agenda as dusting the picture rails or learning Esperanto.

  • Community

    LINks hitch


    Members of local involvement networks still struggling to get off the ground - nearly two years after they were meant to be created - will have welcomed the Department of Health’s publicity drive over the past two weeks. But there is one hitch, End Game understands.

  • Community

    A Wii fracture


    Buried next to a New England Journal of Medicine study about a technique for communicating with patients in a vegetative state, blah blah blah, is a far more significant development: scientists believe they have uncovered the first ever Wii Fit fracture.

  • Feet first

    Feet first


    If End Game readers are ever unfortunate enough to need an ambulance in the North West region, they can be assured the staff will be properly dressed from head to foot - as North West Ambulance Service has just decreed that ambulance crews cannot wear novelty socks.

  • Community

    Lib Dem hedging


    When is a political party health spokesman’s policy not his party’s policy? When it is Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb’s “Liberal blueprint for the NHS”, it seems.

  • Community

    Community Partnership Awards - the winners in pictures


    The winners of the Community Partnership Awards 2010 have been announced at a ceremony at Grosvenor House Hotel in London. The awards, hosted by LGC and sister magazine HSJ, recognise excellence in partnership working across health, social care and local government

  • Community

    Nurses fess up on inefficiency


    Productivity and efficiency may be the current buzzwords bandied around by the mandarins at the Department of Health - not forgetting quality, innovation and prevention as well of course - but what does the hard pushed frontline think?

  • Community

    Give Gordon a duster


    A former nurse on a recent visit to the prime minister’s Downing Street pad noted that the chandeliers, while very ornate, were rather dusty.

  • Welcome to the Lib Dem fringe

    Welcome to the Lib Dem fringe


    Health minister Mike O’Brien likes to include a gag in his speeches, so it was only a matter of time before the opposition health team got in on the act.