All Conservative policy articles – Page 26
Answering the NHS's £14bn productivity question
Government efforts have reduced the NHS productivity challenge by £6bn, but also increased its instability
Hard-nosed Lansley will be no ‘softie’ in negotiations
Health secretary Andrew Lansley told MPs he will not be a “softie” when it comes to dealing with GPs, in his first health committee appearance since the election.
Lansley refuses to rule out GP pay rise
The health secretary declined to rule out a pay rise for GPs as he discussed plans to hand them most of the NHS budget.
HSJ webcast - white paper major challenge for PCT management
Senior managers at primary care trusts are facing the tough challenge of managing major change while dealing with staff who have been publicly criticised, Ealing PCT chief executive Robert Creighton said on HSJ’s webcast on the government’s white paper.
Decision on cancer target 'will be down to NHS commissioning board'
The decision over whether to scrap Labour’s cancer treatment guarantee will be made by the NHS commissioning board, Downing Street has clarified.
Tories’ NHS vision poses a screening programme test
With public health firmly on the agenda, what kind of role can we expect for screening?
Media Watch: obesity and public health
Obesity and poor diets were eating many journalists as the government relaxed its attempts to control people’s lifestyles.
Departing NHS London chair hits out at Lansley
The NHS London chair who resigned in protest at the government’s reconfiguration policy has formally stepped down, leaving the strategic health authority struggling to maintain a functioning board.
GPs and QIPP: is there a doctor on board?
The quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) programme, a colleague once said, is like redesigning a plane while attempting to fly it.
Cally Bann: GPs are the masters of our destiny
Now we know. GPs are the masters of our destiny, but not until they are ready, which is sometime between lunchtime tomorrow and 2017. So, best not let the grass grow. Time to get the GP preparedness plan out the drawer.
Consultants criticise white paper's lack of acute focus
Senior hospital clinicians have criticised the white paper for overlooking the role of the acute sector in the commissioning of services for patients.
Board will have power to assign GPs to consortia
The new NHS commissioning board will have a “reserve power” to assign GP practices to consortia where necessary.
GPs refuse to be Lansley's 'whipping boys'
GPs will refuse to become the “whipping boys” of the health secretary or independent board, a GP leader has warned.
All new blood makes up health committee
The Commons health select committee is to be entirely made up of MPs who have not served on it before - although several of them have a background in health or health related fields.
Managers have been unfairly served by the rushed reforms
“In the crucial area of public service reform, we have found that Liberal Democrat and Conservative ideas are stronger combined… You have a united vision for the NHS that is truly radical: GPs with authority over commissioning… elections for your local NHS health board.”
NHS staff to find out if their jobs are at risk by September
NHS staff facing potential redundancy or a change in their roles as a result of the government’s reform plans will be informed by the end of September.
Exclusive survey: HSJ readers unenthused by white paper
Over 55 per cent of primary care trust staff involved in commissioning fear they will lose their jobs as a result of the NHS white paper, an HSJ snap survey has revealed.
White paper gives NHS board right to stipulate PBC membership
The new NHS commissioning board will have the final say in determining the membership and size of GP consortia, the white paper says.
Government warned reform plans will 'turn NHS upside down'
PCTs are to be abolished from 2013 and SHAs in 2012-13 under the government’s ambitious plans to transfer commissioning powers to GPs.