All Conservative policy articles – Page 27
Coalition hands public health to councils
Health white paper gives key roles to local government
Public health directors move to local authorities
Local authorities are to jointly appoint directors of public health with a new “public health service”, which will amalgamate existing health improvement and protection bodies by April 2012.
HSJ snap survey: how will the white paper affect you?
Health secretary Andrew Lansley has today set out his blueprint for the future of the NHS in a white paper. As expected, the document contains proposals to hand the bulk of NHS commissioning responsibility to GPs.
Lansley: 'no job left for PCTs'
Primary care trusts will be abolished, health secretary Andrew Lansley has announced in his white paper for NHS reform.
NHS blueprint due today
Ministers will set out a new results-driven framework for the NHS today, which they claim could save thousands of lives a year.
Weak evidence supporting GP commissioning plan - Civitas
Evidence suggesting GPs will be more effective than health trusts at commissioning NHS services “is weak”, a report says.
Michael White: libertarians and public health
We know he has had a tough week, but do go easy on Andrew Lansley.
DH forced to rethink NHS vision
Health secretary Andrew Lansley is battling to publish his “white paper” on NHS reform next week amid government concern there is too little detail on his reform programme.
Trusts admit emergency patients at last minute
The number of patients dealt with in the last 20 minutes of the four hour accident and emergency target window has increased to more than 40 per cent, a group of emergency care doctors have found.
Accountability shake-up planned for public services
David Cameron will today promise to “turn government on its head” and make every Whitehall department publicly accountable against published milestones for what they want to achieve.
DH says reform 'proceeding' despite doubts
The Department of Health is insisting health secretary Andrew Lansley’s NHS reforms are “proceeding”, following a report they have been rejected by other departments.
Has Lansley called time on falling NHS waiting lists?
Some see the abolition of central performance management of the 18 weeks referral to treatment target as a big mistake, others think it heralds a more flexible system. Alison Moore looks at the early outlook for a controversial change of policy
Stephen Eames on GPs in the hotseat
At a recent dinner party, a fellow guest, who happened to be a GP, said: “If I was to invite my colleagues to a meeting about practice based commissioning, I would be there on my own with the sandwiches” (well, actually these days it would be without the sandwiches.).
Your Humble Servant: Handy Andy
‘It’s been a few months now, and we’ve had no new strategy, plan or output. I can only assume you’ve been stocking up on additional inadequates so that you can get rid of them easily as cost savings to show off to the new ministers’
Minister visits hospital at centre of A&E reconfiguration row
Health minister Simon Burns is to visit Newark Hospital today after the local MP raised objections to changes to accident and emergency.
Media Watch: public sector pensions
In the build-up to Tuesday’s Budget, it was open season on public sector pensions.
Michael White on hospital reconfigurations
“Oh joy, oh bliss. Now we will get some answers,” I told myself as we were waiting for George Osborne’s emergency cuts budget - (we are still waiting for details of Andrew Lansley’s Brave New NHS World).
Lansley must keep information flowing while NHS targets ebb away
Andrew Lansley’s keynote speech at this week’s NHS Confederation conference could be the largest audience of health service managers he will ever address as health secretary.
Why the NHS should devote 5 per cent of its budget to public health
It may seem crazy talk, but the NHS should devote 5 per cent of its budget to public health. We can’t afford not to, says John Middleton