All Conservative policy articles – Page 40
NHS managers worried by budget cuts call for early pay talks
NHS managers have called for unions and employers to start talks now on the NHS pay deal from 2011-12 in a bid to minimise job losses.
Plan for cuts, David Nicholson warns NHS Confed conference
NHS chief executive David Nicholson has warned the NHS must plan for real terms cuts, despite protestations from the government and the Conservative opposition that they would continue to give it real terms increases. Read on for video interviews with David Nicholson and managers attending the NHS Confederation conference 2009 ...
Andy Burnham refuses to match Conservative promises on spending
New health secretary Andy Burnham has refused to match or better his political shadow’s pledge to give the NHS “real terms” funding increases from 2011-12.
Concerns NHS could be challenged under EU competition law
NHS contracts with private providers could fall foul of EU competition rules if they allow excessive profits, a briefing paper from the NHS Confederation warns.
Former DH adviser warns NHS funding shortfall could run to billions
A former senior policy adviser at the Department of Health has warned the NHS could face a financial shortfall of billions of pounds in as little as four years.
Lansley's sums
No matter how many times shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley repeats his pledge that there will be real terms growth in NHS spending under a Tory government, the NHS is not convinced.
Start NHS pay talks now, Steve Barnett urges
NHS Confederation chief executive Steve Barnett has urged NHS employers, politicians and unions to get around the negotiating table now to start discussions about pay after 2010-11.
Tories will increase NHS budget, Andrew Lansley says
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has confirmed the Conservatives’ commitment to increasing the NHS budget in real terms after 2011 while calling on managers to justify the extra spend.
Steve Barnett says it’s 'make or break' for the NHS
The NHS is facing a “make or break” moment in its history, NHS Confederation chief executive Steve Barnett told delegates at the conference today.
Tories would get tougher on public health realities
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has said a Conservative government would ask the public to take more responsibility for the lifestyle choices that create unsustainable demands on the NHS.
Michael White on the big split over ISTCs
Andrew Lansley has been out and about attacking Alan Johnson’s record as a failed health secretary (“the postman who hasn’t delivered”) on the grounds he has not closed the health gap between rich and poor - and also let the NHS’s Blairite choice agenda atrophy.
David Nicholson warns NHS: 'all bets are off'
David Nicholson has told HSJ “all bets are off”, as the health service prepares itself now for impending spending cuts.
Fear not: Tories are more afraid of you than you of them
Perhaps now is a good time to start asking what the Tories would do to the health service…
Andrew Lansley attacks Alan Johnson
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley attacked Alan Johnson in a speech to the Royal Society for Arts yesterday, accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities as health secretary.
Conservatives promise to axe dentists' contract
The Conservatives have outlined plans to scrap the existing NHS dental contract and introduce a registration scheme for patients.
Tories propose junior nurse NHS board members
Junior nurses would sit on trust boards under pilot schemes being proposed by the Conservative Party.
Conservatives outline nursing policy for the NHS
Preceptorship schemes for newly qualified nurses could form a central plank of the Conservative Party’s policy on nursing, should it win the next general election, HSJ’s sister publication Nursing Times understands.
Tories jump the gun
You can’t fault their enthusiasm but it seems staff at the Conservative party’s Millbank HQ are getting a bit ahead of themselves.
Conservatives to let patients choose individual consultant
The Conservatives have set out their intention to give patients more choice over the individual clinician providing their treatment.
Health observatories dampen plans for commissioning umbrella body
Commissioning Support for London was established last week as part of region-wide efforts to improve commissioning.