All Conservative policy articles – Page 42
Conservatives unveil public health proposals
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has outlined the Conservatives' new policy proposals on public health.They include separate and effectively ringfenced public health budgets and an independent secretary of state for public health.
More than 100,000 operations cancelled, Conservatives say
More than 100,000 NHS operations were cancelled for non-clinical reasons last year, the Conservatives have claimed.
NHS dental charges up by 22 per cent, Conservatives say
NHS dental patients have paid 4.5bn in charges since 1997, while 2 million people have ‘lost’ their dentist, the Conservatives have claimed.The total paid in charges per year increased 22 per cent between 1997 and 2007, according to figures released to shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley.
NHS wards infested with vermin, Conservatives claim
NHS hospital wards are 'over-run' with ants and other infection-spreading pests, the Conservatives have claimed.
Conservatives will support parts of Darzi review
The Conservatives have welcomed parts of the Darzi review, saying they will support proposals that chime with their policies.
Lansley slams Darzi's 'bureaucratic' regional roles
Greater influence proposed for strategic health authorities has raised fears about regionalising the NHS.
Lansley slates DH regionalisation policy
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has criticised the Department of Health's attempt to shift performance management down to strategic health authorities.
Lansley outlines Conservatives' plans for NHS
A future Conservative government would state the outcomes it wanted the NHS to achieve, but would largely leave NHS managers and clinicians to decide how that was delivered, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley told the NHS Confederation conference on Friday.
Tories consult on NHS top ups
The Conservatives have started their own consultation on top-up payments for NHS care in the light of a government review.
Not enough cash for polyclinics, claim Tories
If no GP practices are closed as a result of polyclinics being opened, there will not be enough funding for the move, the Conservatives have claimed.
Distance to GPs will treble, claim Conservatives
Government plans to introduce polyclinics will treble the distance patients have to travel to see a GP, from at least half a mile to at least one and a half miles, the Conservatives have claimed.
Conservatives to let GPs pick their own hours
The Conservatives have backed GPs' calls to be allowed to determine their own opening hours.
Dental contract pushing up A&E admissions, say Tories
Hospital admissions for dentistry have gone up by 6 per cent since the introduction of the new dental contract, according to figures obtained by the Conservative Party.Last year, there were nearly 240,000 hospital admissions for dental treatment, of which nearly 18,000 were emergencies.
Tories attack dentistry record
The Conservatives have criticised what they call Labour's 'disgraceful neglect' of NHS dentistry.
Tories attack drug treatment plans
The Conservatives have criticised home secretary Jacqui Smith’s plans to remove benefits for drug addicts failing to comply with their treatment programme, saying they do not go far enough.
Tories warn over Darzi polyclinic plans
Junior heath minister Lord Darzi's plan to introduce polyclinics throughout the UK will not improve family services, according to the Conservatives.
Agency staff overpaid, claim Conservatives
Agency staff - including managers, finance staff and nurses - are being paid inflated hourly wages, the Conservative Party has claimed.
Burden of obesity 'unmanageable', say Conservatives
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has warned about the increasing burden of obesity on the NHS.
Pregnancy grant a 'gimmick' - Tories
The Conservative Party has questioned whether Labour's planned grants for pregnant women will provide any health benefits.The health in pregnancy grant will be available from the 29th week of pregnancy to improve the nutrition of expectant mothers, under plans outlined in the Health and Social Care Bill.
Conservatives bid to become 'party of the NHS'
David Cameron has pledged to oust Labour from its traditional position as 'the party of the NHS'.