All Conservative policy articles – Page 43

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    250,000 lack access to dentistry, Conservatives say


    The new dental contract has led to more than 250,000 people losing access to NHS dentistry, the Conservatives have said.Dental statistics released for the first quarter of 2007-08 reveal that 266,000 fewer patients have been seen since introduction of new dental contract.

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    Cancer spend varies hugely, Conservatives claim


    Spending by primary care trusts on cancer patients varies hugely across the country, according to the Conservative Party.

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    Huge disparity in managers' pay, Tories claim


    The Conservatives have claimed there is a huge disparity in how much primary care trusts are spending on management salaries.

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    C difficile rates were known, claim Tories


    The government knew about Clostridium difficile rates at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust well in advance of their publication earlier this month, the Conservative Party has claimed.

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    Conservatives defend district general pledge


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has defended the Conservative party's pledge to 'save' district general hospitals.

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    Tories stake a claim to be the patient-centred party


    The Conservatives have fired their salvo in the battle to prove they are the party that can deliver a patient-centred NHS.

  • Comment

    Tories struggle to make their own room in the centre ground


    This week in Blackpool the Conservative Party conference promised to scrap top-down targets - and end the postcode lottery.

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    'Search and destroy' infections, says Lansley


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has called for a 'search and destroy' tactic to be used against hospital infections.He said: 'Discussions with the Centre for Hospital-Acquired Infections in Nottingham suggest that it will require a six-year programme to bring the levels of MRSA down in line with Holland and Denmark.

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    Tories' public services group calls for beefed up CMO role


    The Conservatives' public services policy group has made fresh calls to strengthen the role of the chief medical officer.

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    Conservatives claim they would interfere less in NHS


    A report by the Conservative public services improvement group to the shadow cabinet has called for less political interference and greater freedom for healthcare professionals in the day-to-day management of the NHS.

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    Conservatives pledge to save district generals


    The Conservatives have pledged to save the district general hospital, in what is being widely seen as an opening salvo in the run-up to a possible autumn snap election.

  • Comment

    GPs' fading popularity could hurt Tories


    'Not so long ago, local family doctors were running a close third to apple pie and motherhood in the list of safe things for politicians to support'

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    Conservatives bid to 'save' NHS services


    Conservative leader David Cameron has vowed to save 29 district general hospitals that the party believes are at risk of losing their accident and emergency and maternity services.

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    Tories set out vision for NHS


    Conservative leader David Cameron and shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley have set out plans to improve autonomy and accountability in the NHS.

  • Comment

    Micheal White on Maggie's handbag and other stories


    Thirty years after filing his first column, HSJ political commentator Michael White looks back at how the landscape has changed

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    Half of emergency units could be axed, say Conservatives


    Almost half of all NHS hospital accident and emergency units could be shut if reforms are implemented, the Conservative party has claimed. Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said 92 departments out of 204 could be closed down or downgraded if trusts follow official guidance that A&E units should in future ...

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    Tories and Lib Dems criticise Blair legacy


    The three main political parties have come out fighting over what 10 years under a Labour government has meant for the NHS.

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    Conservatives call for IVF clarification


    The Conservatives have called on the government to explain when IVF guidance will be implemented.Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said: 'Many NHS patients are receiving only one cycle of IVF and this will be difficult for them. Labour need to explain when they will provide three cycles of IVF, as ...

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    Experts split over Tories' big idea for public health


    The Conservative Party's plan to transform public health by creating independent local budgets has divided experts.

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    Conservatives slam government 'incompetence'


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has blamed Labour 'incompetence' for NHS job losses. Commenting on Office of National Statistics figures released yesterday which show that 11,000 jobs were in the NHS during the last three months of 2006, Mr Lansley said: 'What's demoralising for NHS staff is that the incompetence ...