All Conservative policy articles – Page 44

  • News

    Lansley rejects beds claim


    Conservative health spokesman Andrew Lansley has rejected Tony Blair's claim during yesterday prime minister's questions that the reductions in the number of NHS beds were an indication that the NHS was treating people faster.Mr Lansley claimed the current rate of bed closures could not be justified by the government. Read ...

  • News

    Conservatives hit out over London deficit


    Conservatives in the London Assembly have said the extent of the continuing crisis in the NHS has been revealed by the latest financial figures.They point to new figures from the Department of Health, which show that the NHS in London is still heading for an overall end-of-year deficit of £125m.Find ...

  • News

    Conservatives claim treatment is being 'deliberately delayed'


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has claimed that patients are being deliberately denied treatment so that primary care trusts can balance their books by the end of the financial year.His comments follow a BBC survey that indicates that a quarter of all primary care trusts in England are asking patients ...

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    Conservatives call for in-house laundries to fight infection


    Trusts should be obliged to provide changing and laundry facilities as part of the war on infection control, the Conservatives have said.

  • News

    Conservatives launch health policy


    GPs should be given control of health service budgets, Conservative leader David Cameron and shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley will say today as they set out their vision for an NHS with fewer targets and a stronger focus on health outcomes.Details of the policy will appear on the Conservative Party ...

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    Tories claim government has lost faith in SHAs' control of the workforce


    The shadow health secretary has accused the government of losing confidence in the ability of strategic health authorities to manage workforce planning.

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    Lansley demands health inequalities drive


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has called for fresh policies to reduce health inequalities across London.

  • News

    Conservatives want GPs to control funds


    The Conservative Party has proposed handing control of NHS budgets to GPs and replacing waiting targets with measurements of improvements in health outcomes.

  • News

    Conservatives call for a halt to constant change


    The NHS needs urgent action, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has told his new opposite number.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Technology: why the Conservatives are pushing for root and branch reform


    The centralisation of Connecting for Health and a lack of local leadership are proving an important battleground for Conservative policy debate. Steve Mathieson looks at the detail

  • News

    Conservatives call for free hospital parking for vulnerable people


    Hospital car parking should be free for the most critically ill patients, say the London Assembly Conservatives responding to the latest Department of Health guidelines.Elizabeth Howlett, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth and deputy chair of the assembly health and public services committee said:'We are calling on the government to ...

  • News

    Over 40 maternity units may be closed or downgraded, Conservatives claim


    The Conservative Party has claimed it has identified 43 maternity units under threat of being downgraded or closed, of which 21 are midwife-led and 22 consultant-led. Of the 43, 26 of the maternity units are operated by providers which finished the 2005-06 financial year in ...

  • News

    Conservatives slam A&E closure threat


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has warned that Labour has not disclosed the evidence behind the proposed closure of 29 accident and emergency departments.He said the closures were being driven by deficits and has written to NHS chief executive David Nicholson to ask him if the government will give patients ...

  • News

    Lansley slams PFI 'lunacy'


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has described hospital private finance initiatives as 'complete lunacy' after government responses to his parliamentary questions showed that the NHS will pay private sector contractors £53bn for hospitals worth only £8bn. Mr Lansley is calling for a 'fundamental review' of how the NHS accesses capital ...

  • News

    Conservatives launch initiative on patient involvement


    The Conservatives have launched a consultation on the future of public and patient involvement in health.The concept of HealthWatch was outlined by Conservative leader David Cameron and shadow health minister Andrew Lansley in a speech to the King's Fund earlier this month.At a summit today Mr Lansley will highlight the ...

  • News

    Lansley: at-risk hospitals 'better off as charities'


    Many community hospitals at risk of closure 'would be better off with charitable status' than remaining in the NHS, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

  • News

    Tories call on government to work with them on NHS Independence Bill


    David Cameron has challenged Labour to help his party draw up legislation to give 'independence' to the NHS.

  • Comment

    Cameron speech: Tories elbow their way to the front on independence agenda


    'Strategic health authorities will be less happy with the inference that they will become a local arm of the Department of Health, much reduced in power.'

  • News

    Tories will not rule out increased NHS spend


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has hinted that a Conservative government could spend more on the NHS than a Labour government under Gordon Brown.

  • News

    Lansley: PBC is not enough


    GPs would be handed direct responsibility to manage demand under a Conservative government because the party does not believe primary care trusts are up to the task.