All Coronavirus articles – Page 7
Light-touch scrutiny during covid gave ‘freedom’ to improve, says retiring CEO
The CEO of a mental health trust that recently moved out of the successor to ‘special measures’ is to retire early next year after more than 40 years in the NHS.
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: Provider-led ‘place’ perfection
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
‘Warm hubs’ may potentially save lives this winter
Claire Kennedy and Simon Morioka discuss the importance of bringing people together to share resources and the need to look beyond traditional planning, to control the impact of the coming winter
Covid death payments unavailable for staff who died in most recent waves
The families of any NHS and social care staff who died from covid in the most recent waves will not be eligible for the covid death assurance scheme launched at the start of the pandemic, it has emerged.
The next best thing to a plan
The NHS faces the toughest winter on record. With a renewed promise of support from national leaders, integrated care systems now have even more to worry about, writes Julian Patterson
HSJ podcast: ICSs - 1 Trusts - nil
Significant tensions between a mental health trust and an ICS have prompted the trust’s chief executive to resign.
Government examines surge in ‘potentially preventable’ deaths
Department of Health and Social Care officials are concerned that many more people are dying than expected in recent months – particularly older working-age people – with NHS care delays and interruptions a likely cause.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Vulnerable mothers falling through the cracks
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
Covid redeployment ‘wrong’ and ‘will never be repeated’
Redeployment of community staff to other services – meaning visits for babies and parents were missed – was the “wrong decision” and would “never be repeated”, a provider has stated.
HSJ Partners
Digitising patient records for safe and effective care
An ambitious project in London North West University Healthcare Trust is working to improve patient care by digitising the organisation’s entire active caseload of records
Progress on mental health is still fragile, ICSs must not let it slip
With 1.5 million people waiting for mental health treatment and no additional investment from the covid recovery funding, integrated care systems must now take the lead in delivering parity for people with mental health problems, writes outgoing MIND chief executive Paul Farmer.
Exclusive: New capital fund to boost beds and A&E capacity
England’s mental health inpatient system is “running very hot” and operating well above recommended occupancy levels, HSJ has been told, as new funding to address the problem is revealed.
Involving disabled people in service design is financially shrewd
Deborah Fenney highlights the importance of including people with a disability in the health and care service design to help improve access and experience
‘Super September’ to boost elective recovery declared by NHSE
NHS England is encouraging trusts to deliver a “Super September” of accelerated elective recovery plans, HSJ has learned.
Truss plans ‘fewer layers of NHS management’
Tory party leadership frontrunner and potential prime minister Liz Truss has said she would ‘sort out’ pensions tax problems for doctors, and promised to empower clinicians by making the NHS less centralised.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: GPs angered as ‘place’ maps redrawn
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Exclusive: NHSE leak reveals 1m patients on hidden waiting list
More than a million people – including hundreds of thousands of children – are on an unpublished national waiting list for community health services, according to NHS England documents leaked to HSJ.
New research refund 'fantastic news' for trusts
NHS trusts can now claim back more of the costs involved in carrying out clinical research following a national policy change. Dr William van’t Hoff is calling for trusts to use this additional funding as an incentive to further support and embed clinical research delivery – benefitting their staff, patients ...
NHS England ‘hasn’t got long’ to develop ‘operating model’ for system working
NHS England and local leaders must urgently develop a coherent ‘operating model’ for the era of integrated care systems or see the reforms fail, leading trust chief executives have told HSJ.
‘We are presiding over a failing NHS,’ say leading trust CEOs
A lack of accountability is causing the quality of NHS services to crumble, according to some of the most respected trust chief executives.