All Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust articles – Page 4
Exclusive: Short tenure of 'inadequate' trust chiefs laid bare
The chief executives of trusts rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission have been in post much longer than those rated inadequate – several of whom have stayed less than a year, HSJ analysis confirms.
Exclusive: Financial pressure should not stop quality improvement, says report
Quality improvement is not a “pipedream” for mental health providers despite the current financial climate, a new King’s Fund report has concluded.
HSJ Knowledge
HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2017: Best Organisation
Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust: Western Sussex Patient First Programme
International gang sentenced for targeting NHS in money laundering scam
NHS trusts targeted by international money laundering gang Gang forged letters to 22 organisations pretending to be development contractors NHS Protect forensic computing unit helps secure conviction NHS trusts lost millions of pounds after they were targeted by an organised crime gang scamming public bodies as part of ...
Exclusive: 11 providers given £300m commissioning budget
NHS England confirms second wave of sites to take on devolved tertiary mental health commissioning powers The 11 new sites will be given devolved commissioning responsibility for low and medium secure adult or tier four child and adolescent mental health services The 17 sites will all be live by ...
NHS England pledges to increase child mental health beds
NHS England will fund 150-180 new child and adolescent mental health inpatient beds by 2019 The announcement forms part of the forward view delivery plan published today The new beds will be used to reduce out of area placements for young people Global digital exemplars in mental health revealed ...
First nine 'accountable care systems' revealed
NHS England identifies the first nine likely “accountable care systems” NHS Improvement and NHS England to adopt “one stop shop” approach to regulation Developing accountable care organisations will “not be a focus of activity” for most places Individual organisations will not be allowed to hold up progress NHS ...
HSJ Local
Exclusive: CCG planning for single £340m MCP contract
CCG at heart of MCP vanguard hopes to bring the service under a single contract by 2018 Sunderland CCG is working with the council on how the £340m contract will be procured Health leaders will write a business case on what form the new MCP provider will take ...
HSJ Local
Outstanding FT sets up subsidiary firm to save at least £3m
A mental health trust rated outstanding is setting up a subsidiary company that it hopes will make £3m of recurring back-office savings a year by 2018-19.
Revealed: 23 trusts chosen for new Carter review
Twenty-three trusts selected for first phase of Lord Carter’s new review into productivity at mental health and community service organisations NHS Improvement letter to mental health and community service trusts reveals providers chosen for initial six month engagement phase Review will follow a similar structure to Lord Carter’s previous ...
HSJ Local
'Outstanding' trust to lead new NHS improvement programme
NHS Improvement has chosen high performing trust as its strategic partner in developing a mental health improvement programme Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT will help create diagnostic frameworks for the different sectors of mental health during a six month test period NHSI looking to enlist more trusts to provide ...
HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards shortlist revealed
The organisations in the running to win one of the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017 at have been revealed.
Revealed: Trusts in mix for millions in digital funding
Fourteen mental health trusts in contention for digital funding Six trusts will receive £5m each Announcement on more acute trust digital exemplars and an area-wide exemplar also expected soon Fourteen mental health trusts are vying to secure up to £5m of central funding as part of the digital ...
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
Expert Briefing
What’s new in care models: The NHS’s first accountable care organisation?
Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View
First mental health trusts rated outstanding by CQC
Care Quality Commission announces first two mental health trusts in the country to be rated outstanding Northumberland Tyne and Wear FT and East London FT have both been given the highest rating by inspectors CQC deputy chief inspector of hospitals hopes both organisations will be an “exemplar” to other ...
Trust chiefs: outstanding rating can drive improvement
Trust chief executives tell HSJ being rated as outstanding gives them more power to share best practice and help other mental health providers Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT chief executive says the rating could make it a “go-to” trust for organisations needing support There have been no discussions about ...
Audit teams merge to form regional consortium
The merger of three NHS audit teams in the north east into a new specialist provider could become a model for other areas to follow, according to a trust finance director.
HSJ Local
New North East mental health inpatient unit approved
New three ward mental health unit to open at St Nicholas Hospital Older people’s services to be consolidated at the same site Services at Gateshead’s Tramwell Unit and Newcastle’s Hardian Clinic to close Plans expected to save £3m a year STRUCTURE: NHS leaders in the North East have ...
Revealed: First digital maturity index scores in full
This is a full list of trusts’ scores on the new digital maturity index, based on HSJ analysis of NHS England data.