Preparing health and care services as best as possible for the covid-19 surge is dominating thoughts. The latest HSJ Health Check podcast explores what is set to become the largest ever single reconfiguration of NHS and care services.
You can listen to the podcast on the web, or via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast platforms.
Huge expansions of critical care facilities; mass redeployment of staff; cancelling most elective care while centralising the remainder; rapid digitisation; overhauling primary and community response; and new networking with the private sector.
All are the subject of discussion and action, as NHS staff and leaders work intensively to try to prepare for a surge in cases of covid-19 which could easily overwhelm and undermine the current pattern of services.
We discuss what’s being done, including the government’s Budget response, in this week’s HSJ Health Check podcast. With HSJ deputy editor Dave West, senior correspondent Annabelle Collins, bureau chief James Illman, and correspondent Tom Norton.
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