All articles by Daloni Carlisle – Page 8

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: A dramatic revolution


    Daloni Carlisle charts 60 years of the developing role of the NHS manager

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: A day in our life


    The daily life of an NHS manager has changed hugely since 1948, says Daloni Carlisle

  • Comment

    Media Watch: hygiene targets


    News from the Healthcare Commission that one in four hospitals is not hitting hygiene targets was about as welcome as a dose of MRSA.

  • News

    Confed warns over challenges of innovation


    Developments in genetics, regenerative medicine, web technology, surgery and telehealth will challenge the NHS, according to an NHS Confederation report out this week.

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    Capital's PCTs give Darzi the thumbs up


    Polyclinics are likely to be up and running across London by April 2009 following primary care trusts' endorsement of proposals in Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London.

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    888 could be the new 999


    The NHS Confederation's ambulance network has called for an 888 number to make it easier for people to access appropriate care.

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    BMA delivers anti-polyclinic petition to No 10


    The British Medical Association stepped up its opposition to polyclinics last week, when GPs delivered a 1.2-million-signature petition to 10 Downing Street and passed a series of no-confidence votes in the government and health minister Lord Darzi.

  • News

    RCM and Unite threaten industrial action over pay


    Members of Unite and the Royal College of Midwives have overwhelmingly rejected the government’s 7.99 per cent three year pay deal.Nearly 95 per cent of 20,000 Unite health service members who voted were against accepting the deal, with three quarters of them wanting a strike ballot.In the RCM, the vote ...

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    NHS Choices launches personal service


    Over 10,000 people have signed up for NHS Choices’ personalised NHS service in the first month since its launch, storing their doctor’s details and subscribing to relevant health information. NHS Choices admits that the service is limited but will be expanded. Plans over the next two months include personal care ...

  • News

    Unite members reject pay deal and vote for strike ballot


    Unite’s health service members have overwhelmingly rejected the government’s 7.99 per cent three year pay deal.Nearly 95 per cent of 20,000 members who voted were against accepting the deal, with three quarters of them wanting a strike ballot.Unite represents health visitors, hospital pharmacists, healthcare chaplains and other healthcare and support ...

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    Independent sector still struggling on data


    The independent sector is still struggling to provide good quality data on its NHS activities, the NHS Information Centre has revealed.

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    Johnson pledges better care for minority ethnic groups


    Black and minority ethnic people are not getting the primary healthcare they need, a government report has shown.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Frank Dobson looks back as NHS turns 60


    Back in 1997 when the New Labour government was bright and shiny as a new penny, Frank Dobson, the MP for Holborn and St Pancras, was appointed health secretary.

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    Darzi review: North East vows to improve public health


    NHS North East has pledged to renew its focus on public health and long-term conditions in its regional Darzi review.

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    Career Path: leading change in the NHS


    Michael Scott's CV reads like a chronology of NHS reforms. So it is not surprising that his next move is into a London PCT. Here, he explains how his career took shape

  • News

    Did racism delay the SAS contract?


    Staff and associate specialist doctors are often said to lack a voice. Could this explain why they were the last group to sign their new contract, or is institutional racism to blame, asks Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Do GPs with special interests have a future in the NHS?


    GPs with special interests fear being elbowed out as more care moves into primary settings, writes Daloni Carlisle

  • News

    Data deadline 'impossible', say IT directors


    NHS trusts faced an 'impossible task' securing all information that could identify patients by the start of this week, IT directors and data security specialists have told HSJ.

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    Rival text services deny duplication


    NHS Choices and NHS Direct have both launched SMS text services to help patients find their nearest NHS service providers.

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    Healthcare Commission to probe Mid Staffs deaths


    The Healthcare Commission has launched an investigation into apparently high mortality rates among emergency admissions at the Mid Staffordshire foundation trust.