All David Behan articles – Page 3

  • David Behan

    CQC patient expert contract 'not performing'


    CQC board meeting reveals Remploy expert by experience contract “not performing” as expected Incumbent experts claim inspections allocated haphazardly as Remploy subcontracts its duties CQC met Remploy to discuss 11 areas where it expects improvement The Care Quality Commission has ongoing concerns over its patient experts contract with ...

  • David Behan

    CQC told to change culture after data loss 'never event'


    Independent security review says July’s loss of 500 people’s data should be a “wake-up call” “Mismatch” between CQC policy and staff behaviour CQC considering second review next year to check on progress of organisational change An independent review has told the Care Quality Commission it needs a “culture ...

  • David Behan

    Board member: NHS Improvement using CQC's name 'indiscriminately'


    Board member Michael Mire accuses NHS Improvement of using CQC’s name “indiscriminately” Asks if regulator’s name was included in recent pay growth review to make it “more acceptable” Mr Mire hints at wider concerns about how the CQC will manage future challenges A senior Care Quality Commission board ...

  • Savings must be found without any additional transitional finance to help establish new services
    Expert Briefing

    HSJ Catch Up: Overspend forecast for NHS England, and MCP contract options revealed


    Your essential update on the week in health

  • David Behan

    CQC chief: I'd let waiting times slide to protect quality


    David Behan says waiting times currently increasing as trusts “hold on to quality” CQC rules out “flexing” its ratings approach in response to “tight financial environment” Recognises providers are in a “really difficult position” trying to maintain financial and quality controls The chief executive of the Care Quality ...

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: CQC says regulation must not be 'barrier' to new care models


    David Behan says regulation must not be “an unnecessary barrier to innovation” CQC admits new care models will lead to “periods of risk” Regulator to work in partnership with vanguards and STPs to develop “nimble” regulatory approach The Care Quality Commission has set out plans to ensure regulation ...

  • David Behan

    Behan, Williams, Field and Dodge join HSJ Awards judges


    Care Quality Commission chief executive David Behan and Department of Health finance director David Williams are the latest leading figures to be named as judges for the 2016 HSJ Awards.

  • Paul Bate

    CQC strategy director to join Ali Parsa tech start up


    Paul Bate to lead NHS work for Babylon Health, the digital health company started by Circle founder Ali Parsa Mr Bate instrumental in overhaul of regulation in wake of Francis report and led on CQC’s new strategy Babylon provides services to two GP practices but plans to expand to ...

  • boardroom

    CQC to review whether fit and proper person rule 'needs to change'


    CQC to look at “learning points” from implementation of fit and proper person rule Review will examine whether CQC’s approach or the regulation itself “needs to change” Peter Wyman says CQC would be happy to run register of fit and proper managers if asked to The Care Quality ...

  • Man holding a box of office belongings

    Regulator’s budget cut may require job losses


    CQC chief executive says it may have to make redundancies to cope with budget cut Funding will go from £249m in 2015-16 to £217m in 2019-20 David Behan promises “good management” to keep job losses to “an absolute minimum” The Care Quality Commission may have to make redundancies ...

  • David Behan

    CQC to move to 'smaller and more frequent' hospital inspections


    CQC to inspect every trust annually, examining how well led they are and one core service “as a minimum” High performing trusts will not undergo comprehensive inspections in future Providers will have to “give their view of the quality of care they are providing” as part of annual reporting ...

  • David Behan

    CQC's budget cut further


    CQC budget for 2016-17 £9m lower than the £245m expected a few months ago Budget declines from £249m last year to £236m CQC board member says delivering revised budget will be “challenging” The Care Quality Commission’s budget has been reduced by an additional £9m compared to what it ...

  • primary care

    GP roadmap may herald move to 'self-assessment', say sources


    GP roadmap could introduce more self-assessment for practices, as previously floated by CQC Sources tell HSJ “light touch” approach is being seriously considered The roadmap is due out next week GPs could face fewer inspections in future under a proposal being considered for the sector’s support package to ...

  • David Behan

    Updated: CQC to hike trust fees by 75 per cent


    CQC fees for smaller trusts to increase by £58,656 next year Fees for GP practices to triple but government will cover extra cost CQC chooses most bullish of the options it consulted on, moving to “full cost recovery” from providers over two years The Care Quality Commission will ...

  • Whistle

    Whistleblower guardian job may remain part-time despite criticism


    CQC job advert for national guardian will be for minimum of three days a week Previous guardian resigned after two months because she was unable to balance role with other job Sir Robert Francis says many local guardians are not what he “envisaged” in whistleblowing review The Care ...

  • Eileen Sills

    National whistleblower guardian resigns after two months


    Dame Eileen Sills steps down as national guardian for NHS whistleblowers after just two months She says it was “not possible” to combine the role with being nursing director of Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT Sir Robert Francis to provide “non-executive support” to the office Dame Eileen Sills, ...

  • Regulation jpg
    HSJ Knowledge

    Get to the bottom of the CQC strategy consultation


    Improving its use of data, a single shared view of quality and assessment of the use of resources are among the key focus areas in the Care Quality Commission’s final consultaion on its 2016-21 strategy. Samantha Cox writes

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: Regulators plot new 'single view of quality'


    CQC chief executive says local NHS should change its quality monitoring and governance The CQC “will use NHS Improvement’s assessment of efficiency” Regulator has “come away from the use of the phrase co-regulation” The Care Quality Commission has promised to develop a “single shared view of quality” across ...

  • Hands up

    Healthwatch England will have ‘freedom to criticise CQC’


    Healthwatch England will remain free to criticise the Care Quality Commission even after it has been “embedded” into the regulator, the CQC’s chief executive has promised.

  • Growth

    Fees hike will make CQC 'more accountable', says Behan


    CQC’s greater reliance on fees will mean “becoming more accountable”, says chief executive David Behan says CQC is in a similar financial position to many of the organisations it regulates Providers “will expect us to demonstrate value for money” Increasing the share of the Care Quality Commission’s funding ...