All Dentistry articles – Page 5

  • News

    NHS South Central blazes a trail on water fluoridation


    The consultation over putting fluoride in water supplies on the south coast is proving a ‘totemic argument between state and individual’. Other areas will be watching the outcome closely, reports Rebecca Evans

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    PCTs facing probe over dentistry gaps


    Primary care trusts' success in commissioning NHS dental services will come under scrutiny as part of the forthcoming independent inquiry into health service dentistry, the chief dental officer for England has revealed.

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    Alan Johnson announces review of NHS dentistry


    An independent review is to be conducted into NHS dentistry, health secretary Alan Johnson has announced.The review comes amid reports of patchy access to dentistry in some parts of the country and declining rates of complex treatments.

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    NHS dentists face £100m in penalties for underperformance


    NHS dentists are being charged more than £100m in penalties for underperformance against contracts in 2007-08, a report claims.

  • HSJ Partners

    Information Centre reports on NHS dentistry


    A patient undergoing NHS dental treatment under the new contractual arrangements is more likely to have dentures or tooth extractions and less likely to have fillings or crowns than under the old arrangements, a report released by the NHS Information Centre suggests.

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    NHS dentists' pay tops £100,000


    The NHS Information Centre is tomorrow expected to reveal that some NHS dentists are earning £100,000 a year.

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    BDA highlights NHS dentistry drop


    The British Dental Association has highlighted what is sees as 'significant problems' with the dentists' contract and patient charges introduced in April 2006.

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    NHS dental charges up by 22 per cent, Conservatives say


    NHS dental patients have paid 4.5bn in charges since 1997, while 2 million people have ‘lost’ their dentist, the Conservatives have claimed.The total paid in charges per year increased 22 per cent between 1997 and 2007, according to figures released to shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley.

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    Scotland to invest in dental facilities


    The Scottish government has announced a £75m investment in dental and medical facilities.

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    Dental regulatory regime now obligatory


    All dental nurses and dental technicians must now be registered with the UK's dental regulator, the General Dental Council.

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    Welsh government extends dental cash ringfencing


    The Welsh Assembly has extended ringfencing of dental funds within local health board allocations for a further three years.The move is one of a series of recommendations in a report on Welsh dental provision published today.

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    Dentists won't have to pass test to use NHS logo - DH


    The Department of Health has scrapped plans to make dentists prove their commitment to the NHS before they can use NHS branding.

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    Dental patients should register, says committee


    MPs on the health select committee have called for a return to a registration scheme for dental patients.The move would help ensure more effective dental care, said the committee, which published the findings from its inquiry into dental services today.

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    Fewer people treated by NHS dentists


    The number of patients seen by an NHS dentist has dropped since the introduction of the new dental contract, according to figures published by the NHS Information Centre.

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    Pay deal for Scots dentists


    Dentists and the Scottish government have finally agreed on a deal that will see some practices get funding for treating significant numbers of NHS patients even though they do not meet the full 'NHS commitment'.The deal comes after lengthy discussions between the government and the British Dental Association.

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    Dental association calls for reforms


    The British Dental Association has called on the Scottish government to change the criteria dentists must meet to be deemed 'committed' to the NHS.

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    Dental contract pushing up A&E admissions, say Tories


    Hospital admissions for dentistry have gone up by 6 per cent since the introduction of the new dental contract, according to figures obtained by the Conservative Party.Last year, there were nearly 240,000 hospital admissions for dental treatment, of which nearly 18,000 were emergencies.

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    NHS dentistry spending rises by 50 per cent


    NHS expenditure on dental services increased by 53 per cent between 1997-98 and 2005-06, figures published today by the Information Centre for health and social care show.The strategic health authority showing the greatest percentage increase in expenditure over this period was South Yorkshire at 69 per cent. The lowest rise ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Can fluoridation help the poorest?


    The health secretary's promise of £14m a year over the next three years for water fluoridation schemes has reignited the debate. Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts must persuade local communities to agree to it, but opponents protest that fluoridation is mass medication to benefit the few and point ...

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    Launch of oral health plan for Wales


    New measures to improve dental health in Wales will be announced by health minister Edwina Hart today.