All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 116

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: HSIB chief will challenge regulators on patient safety


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch chief investigator says he will challenge regulators Keith Conradi says NHS has been “defensive” and incident investigations seen as a “bolt on” HSIB “will go where the evidence leads” The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will focus its efforts on challenging system regulators and policymakers ...

  • ambulance

    Revealed: First investigation by new body launched after patient death


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch starts its first investigation after patient death Investigation will focus on the transfer of deteriorating patients between different hospitals Concerns raised about the transfer of patients between services earlier this year The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch has launched its first investigation into the ...

  • Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Acute trust hit by 'culture of bullying' to change its name


    Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust to apply for name change Chief executive says change comes at a “pivotal moment” Costs of changing signs and stationery estimated at £10,000-£15,000 An acute trust is to apply to the Department of Health to change its name, which will draw a ...

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Trusts need millions in extra funding for Mid Staffs dissolution


    UHNM and Royal Wolverhampton trusts both seeking millions in additional funding linked to dissolution of Mid Staffordshire FT UHNM forecasting a year-end deficit of £119m in 2017-18 Mid Staffs trust special administration process ended in March after £300m extra funding Trust leaders in the Midlands are seeking millions ...

  • nurse discussion

    Exclusive: 'Crash' in EU nurses working in UK since Brexit referendum


    New data shows “crash” in the number of EU nurses registering to work in UK Professor Jim Buchan warns the situation is the worst for 20 years Fall in recruitment of nursing staff after Brexit could exacerbate existing workforce shortage There has been a “crash” in the number ...

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour
    HSJ Local

    Inquiry chair revealed amid families' criticism of regulator


    Senior midwife Donna Ockenden appointed to lead review into deaths of 15 babies and three mothers Parents criticise NHS Improvement for setting “narrow” terms of reference and excluding families Jeremy Hunt set up review after concerns over deaths and lack of investigations A senior midwife has been appointed ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    NHS prepares to move most junior doctors to controversial contract


    NHS trusts are gearing up to transfer the majority of junior doctors to their new contract in August.

  • Ian Dalton
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Former DH director returning to NHS to lead teaching trust


    A former senior manager at the Department of Health will be the new leader of one of England’s biggest trusts, HSJ can reveal.

  • The NHS spends billions of pounds each year on buying equipment.

    DH procurement drive shunned by leading firms


    NHS Shared Business Services and HealthTrust Europe believed not to be bidding for new procurement ‘category towers’ Deadline closed for first six of ten towers last month Combined value of towers contracts estimated at around £150m Two of the largest procurement organisations serving the NHS are not bidding ...

  • A woman with tape over her mouth

    Trusts asked to help shape whistleblower support scheme


    NHS Improvement appeals for trusts to help design pilot scheme Project follows recommendation by Sir Robert Francis QC Freedom to Speak Up Report highlighted how whistleblowers lost careers A new initiative to help whistleblowers return to work in the NHS is being developed and piloted by NHS Improvement.

  • Calculator

    Revealed: The provider sector deficit due to be hidden until after election


    Regulators wanted to report year-end figures for NHS providers this month, but were forbidden to do so by the Department of Health HSJ research suggests the sector’s combined deficit will be £770m and around 100 providers ended the year in the red Performance will fall well short of targets ...

  • David Morris, managing director of NHS Shared Business Services

    'Amazon-style' procurement system may be brought forward


    New online procurement platform to be rolled out across NHS providers by summer 2018 at the latest Pilot planned to start at trusts this autumn NHS Shared Business Services chief says “clear governance” is key to STPs achieving back-office savings Tas9@hAwt A new procurement platform which aims ...

  • Eu flag

    Tories to prioritise EU health staff in Brexit talks


    Tory manifesto makes significant pledges affecting NHS worforce Key commitments to new consultant contract and legislation for safety Manifesto fails to mention pay restraint or action to tackle nursing shortage EU migrants working in the NHS and social care will be made a priority during the Brexit negotiations ...

  • cyber security

    CQC set to strengthen tech inspection - but says no need for 'additional powers'


    The CQC has said it does not need extra powers to ensure the NHS is better protected against cyber attacks It confirmed it had ”not been approached” by government to do additional spot checks on trusts CQC has already consulted on additions to its inspection regime in relation to ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Avoiding private providers


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Workforce

    New fears over nursing workforce shortages revealed


    Nine out of 10 nursing leaders in the NHS say they are worried abour their ability to recruit nurses, according to a survey by the Royal College of Nursing. The RCN has also said it believes there are 40,000 nursing vacancies in the service.

  • amin abdullah

    Minister orders investigation of trust following nurse's suicide


    CQC will be asked to consider reviewing NHS disciplinary processes during inspections Imperial College Healthcare Trust to commission investigation into nurse’s dismissal after health minister intervenes Nurse Amin Abdullah died outside Kensington Palace in 2016 Disciplinary processes in the NHS are to come under the microscope after a ...

  • Whistle

    Junior doctors get new whistleblowing protection after HEE loses court case


    Court of Appeal judgement says Parliament cannot have intended to exclude junior doctors from whistleblowing protection Ruling effectively means Health Education England could be deemed an employer by employment tribunals Dr Chris Day’s case will be reconsidered at employment tribunal stage Junior doctors have been granted new whistleblowing ...

  • Philip hammond

    Exclusive: Social care £2bn won't get NHS through winter, ministers warned


    Budget pledge to ease pressure on NHS by injecting cash into social care will fail, health chiefs warn Extra cash will largely plug existing social care budget gaps rather than supporting NHS discharges Tory source rejected that funding would not help NHS, stating cash was contingent on councils showing ...

  • Richmond House

    Raids on capital budget to continue until 2020, DH confirms


    Health minister confirms capital to revenue transfers will stop in 2019-20, with the size being reduced each year HSJ previously reported that £1bn would be transferred this year, followed by £500m in 2018-19 and £250m in 2019-20 NAO previously raised concerns about repeated raids on the capital budget ...