All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 120

  • shredded paper

    Exclusive: Trust sector deficit worsens by £280m


    HSJ research suggests trusts’ finances have deteriorated by nearly £300m since quarter two The numbers suggest a year-end provider sector deficit around £970m NHS Improvement has been discussing revisions with a number of trusts and will report a lower official number next week Jim Mackey concedes the £580m maximum ...

  • Robert Francis QC

    Francis: Top-down pressure on NHS chiefs 'depressingly familiar'


    Mid Staffordshire inquiry chair warns of “increasing disconnect between staff and leaders” Sir Robert Francis describes “depressingly familiar” pressure on NHS chief executives Service “manifestly failing” to keep up with demand, he says Sir Robert warns of “existential crisis” facing the NHS amid financial challenges Sir Robert Francis ...

  • Stack of reports

    Francis outlines unfinished business four years after inquiry


    More still needs to be done to identify systemic causes of poor care and move away from blaming individual NHS leaders, Sir Robert Francis QC has told HSJ.

  • Bgy950

    Integration of health and social care – working and not working?


    Integration is looking less and less like a panacea and more of a long term vision

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Bad news warning


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Peter Homa

    Peter Homa: I would have stayed to lead merged trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief says heroic leaders are “redundant” Peter Homa said the share of GDP funding for the NHS needed to rise He urged new leaders to be transparent and to ask for help when needed Peter Homa would have stayed on as chief executive of ...

  • Globe

    Trusts face fines over checking patients' credentials


    The Department of Health is considering new rules to enable commissioners to fine acute providers if they fail to check whether a patient is from overseas and eligible or not for free NHS care.

  • uk_map_britain

    Revealed: 24 A&Es could be closed or downgraded


    Twenty four emergency departments - around 15 per cent of the national total - could be closed or downgraded in the next four years, analysis shows HSJ has identified and mapped those most likely to be affected in an unprecedented analysis Twenty four emergency departments - around 15 ...

  • Technology jpg

    NHS England cancels quick-turnaround offer of digital funds


    NHS trusts that were asked to prepare bids for digital investment over the next two months have now been told the funds are not available, HSJ understands.

  • Digital

    Trusts given two days to bid for quick turnaround tech funding


    NHS England reviewed “capital allocation position” for the remaining two months of 2016-17. Trusts were given two days to express interest, and told the projects would need to be completed by March 2017. Memo was issued on the same day that NHS Improvement told trusts their overall capital ...

  • signature CB059558 Corbis1

    Negligence fee cap could deny families representation, DH admits


    DH impact assessment says lawyers may be “less willing” to take on expensive cases Independent review warns of impact on patient safety if less negligence is identified QC warns changes could leave families without representation at inquests Some families might be denied legal representation for clinical negligence claims ...

  • capture

    Mapped: Where in the NHS owes the DH the most money


    Thirty-nine out of the 44 STP areas include providers that drew down revenue bailouts from the DH last year, which will have to be repaid Proportionally, West, North and East Cumbria STP footprint had the largest “outstanding balance” at the end of 2015-16 Five STP areas will not be ...

  • Theresa may

    Revealed: Theresa May's clash with NHS over immigrants' data


    Kingsley Manning says NHS Digital battled with the Home Office over sharing patient data repeatedly between 2013 and 2016 Former chair says while Theresa May was home secretary he was put under pressure to share data despite his legal concerns New agreement allows for data to be shared to ...

  • Richmond House

    DH to recruit 200 new staff after axing more than 530 jobs


    Department of Health says it is likely to recruit 200 new staff Earlier this month the department confirmed 538 civil servants were to leave DH has to cut costs by 30 per cent by 2020 Around 200 new staff are set to join the Department of Health – ...

  • Jeremy_Hunt3

    Hunt receives immediate reports into child deaths in mental health units


    Jeremy Hunt now receives immediate reports of any death in a children’s mental health inpatient unit, a health minister has revealed

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: The signal and the noise


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • 13 liverpool city
    HSJ Local

    Concerns for frontline services funding under new contract


    Bridgewater Community Healthcare FT to take over Liverpool’s community services, after agreeing to deliver the contract on £77m of recurrent funding HSJ understands rival bidder did not believe services could be safely delivered with this amount of funding Liverpool CCG says significant savings are available through “switch off” costs ...

  • Jackie Smith

    NMC to regulate new nursing associate role


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council is to regulate nursing associates after it agreed to accept the government’s request to enter the new role on its register.

  • Police officer

    New rules on when mental health trusts should call police


    New agreement published on police interventions involving mental health and learning disability patients Document sets out when police should attend mental health and learning disability inpatient units and places of safety Imposes strict guidelines of when police should use restraint Providers encouraged to sign up to agreement made by ...

  • Foreign passport

    Illegal immigrants traced using NHS patient information


    Agreement between Home Office and NHS Digital to trace illegal immigrants Home Office says requests for confidential patient information is in the public interest Deal signed in November came into effect from 1 January 2017 Confidential NHS patient information is being shared with the Home Office to help ...