All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 122

  • Lord Carter

    NHS efficiency league tables delayed


    Lord Carter has restated intention to publish rankings to highlight trusts with high levels of waste and inefficiency Officials expected the rankings to be published earlier this year Metrics are reliant on the strength of “reference costs” data, for which widespread non-compliance has been found Expert says there is ...

  • Richmond house

    New minister joins Department of Health


    A former Downing Street aide and policy director to David Cameron has been appointed as a minister at the Department of Health.

  • Payslip

    Payments to fix junior contract quirk may cost trusts thousands


    Junior doctor contract pay protection system has led to varying levels of pay among doctors doing the same job NHS Employers says equitable pay will emerge over time but no doctor is losing out Imperial College Healthcare Trust has paid 16 doctors a total of £12,500 to remedy pay ...

  • Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust set to miss financial target due to CCG fines


    A large acute foundation trust has said it is likely to miss its control total by £10m because of fines imposed by commissioners for emergency readmissions and the resulting loss of central funding.

  • Statue of justice

    Exclusive: Trust prosecuted after 'high profile' patient death


    A trust is being prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive over the death of a mentally ill patient, who fell to his death on hospital premises.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Trusts face poor CQC rating for ignoring families


    Health secretary warns trusts risk a poor CQC rating if families are not involved in investigations Jeremy Hunt says avoidable deaths is a “global healthcare” problem beyond the NHS No trust will be penalised for reporting an increase in avoidable deaths Jeremy Hunt has warned hospital trusts that ...

  • Houses of Parliament

    Health secretary 'committed' to new patient safety laws


    Jeremy Hunt says he is committed to legislation for new patient safety reforms Mr Hunt said Number 10 knew legislating for safe space was a priority for him Government consultation on safe space protection closed last week Health secretary Jeremy Hunt is lobbying the prime minister for legislation ...

  • Treasure chest

    Bonus pot for trusts that hit financial targets confirmed


    Bonus payments will come partly from funds allocated to providers that are not able to meet their financial targets Payments would total more than £300m if official forecasts are correct Concerns that the scheme could exacerbate problems for struggling trusts NHS trusts that are able to meet or ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Regulators will not merge before 2020, says Hunt


    Health service regulators will not be merged or restructured before the end of the current parliament in 2020, Jeremy Hunt has told HSJ.

  • money_box_finance

    Exclusive: £3bn to be raided from NHS investment funds


    Presentation suggests £1bn will be transferred from capital budgets in 2017-18, on top of £1.2bn this year Further raids of £500m and £250m could be made in 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively DH has been heavily criticised for repeatedly using capital funds to achieve financial balance More than £3bn ...

  • Andrea Sutcliffe

    CQC seeks change in powers to 'favour' patients


    The Care Quality Commission has asked the Department of Health to change its regulations so they “operate in favour” of service users.

  • Richmond House

    Exclusive: Trusts could be refused bailouts to pay suppliers


    Dozens of providers have become reliant on “working capital” loans to ensure staff and invoices are paid Email seen by HSJ outlines further controls on these payments NHS trusts will not be guaranteed bailout support even when suppliers have put an account “on stop” The Department of Health ...

  • Sarah Jane Marsh
    HSJ Local

    Trusts set February deadline for merger


    Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Birmingham Women’s Hospital foundation trusts will integrate by 1 February 2017, the providers have confirmed.

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Hunt to force trusts to publish avoidable deaths data


    Jeremy Hunt will introduce new regulation to force NHS trusts from March 2017 to estimate and publish how many of its deaths might have been preventable He was responding to today’s CQC deaths review, and said he was accepting all its recommendations Avidable death data to be published quarterly ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Nice one Jim, now let's see results


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    Exclusive: New DH company to help sell NHS property


    The Department of Health is to create a new property company to replace the two that currently exist, in response to a recommendation in the forthcoming report by Sir Robert Naylor on the NHS estate.

  • Calculator

    NHS Improvement tells trusts not to hide financial risks


    Concerns were revealed in a question and answer document issued by NHS Improvement yesterday Trust leaders said regional officials had pressured them “to not reveal” its deteriorating position NHSI has urged leaders to report problems to its senior leadership team Trust leaders have expressed concern over being pressured ...

  • Sharon Renouf

    PFI contracts: stick or twist?


    ‘Buying out’ a PFI contract would be a nuclear option – the better solution would be to simply manage it better

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Flickers in a pitch black tunnel


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Regulator's handling of Morecambe Bay scandal to be reviewed


    NMC announces review of how it dealt with the Morecambe Bay care scandal Decision follows concerns over its handling of investigations and pressure from DH NMC chief executive says she is determined to “learn lessons” An independent review into the handling of the Morecambe Bay care scandal by ...