All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 123

  • Sir_Mike_Richards

    Richards: CQC cannot force removal of unfit trust directors


    Sir Mike Richards says it is not the responsibility of the CQC to force the removal of a director or judge their fitness for the role Chief inspector of hospitals says CQC has faced “unfair criticism” for its approach to the fit and proper persons test DH says CQC ...

  • Nurse

    Health secretary says STPs unlikely to reduce nurse numbers


    Jeremy Hunt says he would be surprised if STP areas are able to reduce nurse numbers Health secretary says lesson of Mid Staffordshire scandal was wards need to be properly staffed New roles should assist qualified nurses and not serve as substitutes, he says Jeremy Hunt has told ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    NHS leaders 'misjudged' call for more funding, says Hunt


    NHS Providers chief said yesterday trusts “simply cannot deliver all that they are being asked to deliver on the funding available” Jeremy Hunt says calls for more money were a “misjudgement”, coming “less than a year” after a “good settlement” Health secretary suggests the calls could erode confidence in ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health offers £220k salary for new commercial chief


    Department seeks pharma heavyweight to lead on commercial strategy Post holder will lead renegotiation of the pharmaceutical pricing regulatory scheme Salary would make post holder one of the department’s highest earners The Department of Health is recruiting for a new chief commercial officer, with a £220,000 basic salary ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Chancellor has NHS managers in his sights


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Manchester tram

    'Ominous' social care warning from leading STP


    Devolution leaders have forecast a £176m financial gap for social care services by 2021. Greater Manchester is better placed than most regions to deliver its STP, because of its £450m transformation fund. But demand and cost pressures ’significantly outweigh’ the government’s additional funding Health leaders in ...

  • Workforce

    National officials 'ensuring' STPs plan 'right skilled' staffing


    NHS England “ensuring” an STP “will put in place the right skilled workforce” Draft STP plan proposed savings through “reduction of nursing grade input” NHS England has told HSJ it is working with a sustainability and transformation plan on ”ensuring they will put in place the right skilled ...

  • Finance officer

    CCGs overspend budget by £240m but NHS England 'on course'


    84 CCGs overspent their allocations but NHS England says majority expect to recover their positions Year-end forecast for CCGs is a £190m overspend, compared to a £10m overspend forecast in July Forecast for overall commissioning budgets has improved due to expected underspends and extra income within central budgets ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: A game of two halves


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Theresa May

    Statistics authority intervenes over government NHS spending claims


    UK Statistics Authority will ask officials to “ensure clarity” when reporting on increases to NHS spending Complaints centred around the government’s claims that it is increasing spending by £10bn by 2021 Chancellor Philip Hammond defended use of the £10bn figure last week The UK Statistics Authority will ask ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Does the NHS have its eyes wide shut?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • David_Prior

    Minister reveals details of NHS Professionals selloff


    Lord Prior confirms plans to sell NHS Professionals Government will retain a minority stake in the temporary staff supplier Ministers want the company to expand its services to more trusts The government has reiterated its commitment to selling a majority stake in NHS Professionals so the company can ...

  • News

    Exclusive: Tighter bailout controls to deal with NHS 'cashflow crisis' revealed


    Requests for short-term revenue support will be subject to “increased challenge and scrutiny” Trusts’ reliance on bailout support has grown in recent years as expenditure has increased faster than income Providers seeking support will need to detail if “suppliers are threatening to put trust’s account on stop” NHS ...

  • Hexham general hospital

    Regulator looking at buyouts of 'ridiculous' PFI schemes


    Jim Mackey says borrowing levels and profit margins within some PFI schemes are “absolutely ridiculous” Where buyouts are not possible, trusts are urged to manage their contracts more “robustly” Treasury unlikely to support a “blanket buyout” NHS regulators have established a working group that is looking at the ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: New NHS 'bond' could unlock capital funds, says Jim Mackey


    NHS Improvement in early discussions about creating an “NHSI bond” to help accelerate capital investment Department of Health’s capital budget has been frozen in cash terms over the course of this parliament, which equates to a real terms cut Jim Mackey says some of the NHS estate is in ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: The gritty detail of STPs that leaders fear


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • HM_Treasury

    Chancellor defends government's £10bn NHS spending claim


    Health committee chair called on ministers to stop using “incorrect” £10bn figure to describe additional NHS spending Chancellor says the claim always referred “specifically” to the NHS, rather than the DH Department of Health budget is increasing by £4.5bn in real terms over five years The chancellor has ...

  • Ruth May

    Exclusive: Chief nurse 'will intervene to back nursing directors on staffing levels'


    NHS Improvement says safe staffing guidance will be evidence based Ruth May says she will intervene to support directors of nursing in decisions Work follows the suspension of safe nurse staffing work by NICE in 2015 NHS Improvement’s chief nurse will intervene to back nursing directors where they ...

  • Informal group meeting

    DWP to roll out jobs advisers for mental health patients


    Employment advisers will be integrated into the government’s flagship therapy scheme NHS England adviser said DWP and DH are planning to introduce more employment specialists to IAPT services next year DWP is “finalising” plans Employment advisers will be integrated into the government’s flagship talking therapy service as part ...

  • deficit_finance

    Exclusive: Trusts' deficit forecast more than £250m worse than feared


    Trust forecast figures suggest a deficit of £850m, compared to the planned £580m Mid-year trust forecasts are seen by NHS leaders as a key indicator of whether financial recovery plans have been successful Experts warn that performance could deteriorate further in second half of the year The NHS ...