All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 130

  • Older woman with alarm

    NAO: Major contract collapse reveals 'significant risks' to patients


    National Audit Office delivers withering verdict on organisations involved in collapse of £750m Cambridgeshire contract NHS regulation system means patient welfare can “fall between the cracks”, says senior MP There were “important gaps” in the advice provided by the Strategic Projects Team The NHS’s fragmented regulation system is ...

  • Janet Davies

    Royal colleges 'shocked' by Mackey staffing levels comments


    Royal colleges criticise NHS Improvement chief executive for saying some standards are only “aspirational” Safe staffing experts say Jim Mackey contradicted clinical evidence based guidelines One college president says NHS trusts should reject “shabby suggestion” and speak out on funding crisis Royal colleges and workforce experts have severely ...

  • Chris harrison

    Breathlessness campaign could make all the difference in early treatment


    The “Be Clear on Cancer” brand is being extended to raise awareness of other diseases

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    PHSO apologises to former NHS director for cover-up 'mistake'


    Dame Julie Mellor writes personal apology to Helen Marks, former HR director at Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust Ombudsman resigned last week after failing to take action when she was made aware of cover-up by her deputy Mick Martin last year Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman yet to publish findings ...

  • Holly holder

    Why we still need clinical commissioners


    The progress made by CCGs in engaging local clinicians could be lost if we fail to act upon the clinical voice

  • Household patients
    HSJ Knowledge

    Building local links with the third sector is tough but invaluable


    It is time to form new relationships with voluntary and community sector organisations

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Controversial ‘technical’ measures cut £900m from provider deficit


    Accounting measures helped boost provider sector financial position by about £900m in 2015-16 “Technical adjustments” by trusts included revaluing property, extending the expected lifespan of some sites, and taking a more optimistic view of debt recovery Finance professionals say measures “push the boundaries” of acceptable public accounting but are ...

  • James Illman Telehealth roundtable

    HSJ expert view: Big hires mark new chapter in digital policy


    NHS England made three big appointments as part of restructure of senior tech team These include controversial ex-Addenbrooke’s chief executive as chief clinical information officer Also follows arrival of Matthew Swindells as national director of operations and information Signals that ducking the digitalisation challenge will no longer wash ...

  • hospital

    Exclusive: Patients at risk as doctors forced to work without rest at night


    Hundreds of junior doctors respond to survey revealing they are actively discouraged from sleeping at night Evidence-based guidelines produced in 2006 recommended doctors be allowed to nap to safeguard patients Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT sleep specialist says the issue affects all staff working at night and “must not ...

  • Money

    Exclusive: Regulators reveal conditions on £1.8bn 'sustainability' fund


    In a document sent to trust finance directors, trusts are told their quarterly financial targets will be a “binary on/off switch” to secure STF funding. 70 per cent of its STF allocation will depend on hitting financial target, while 30 per cent will depend on performance against the headline ...

  • Fiona_Caldicott

    Government advised to keep tight controls on CCG data access


    HSJ understands Caldicott will recommend patients should be allowed to opt out of their identifiable data being used by commissioners – apart from for validating invoices and other limited circumstances It will call on ministers to “consider” the programme It will set out options for how to allow ...

  • johann malawana

    Junior doctors: Government expected to impose contract


    The government is minded to impose the contract it agreed with junior doctors leaders, but which has been rejected by members It will formally announce its next steps in the coming days The government is expected to press on with imposition of the junior doctors contract which it ...

  • Alastair Burt

    Alistair Burt announces resignation


    Community and social care minister Alistair Burt has announced he will step down in September following the appointment of a new prime minister.

  • Jackie Smith

    Exclusive: Brexit may hit NHS's nurse 'pipeline', says regulator chief


    Nursing regulator says Brexit likely to impact “pipeline” of nurses to NHS EU nurses likely to face stricter tests to work Would increase NMC costs The “pipeline” of nurses coming to the NHS may be constrained because of likely changes to the approval process for those coming from ...

  • david williams expert briefing crop
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: What will the MCP contract look like?


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by integration reporter David Williams.

  • hospital

    Supplement: Patient safety back to the drawing board


    Misunderstanding of what ‘human factors’ means often leads organisations to try to change their people rather than the processes

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    Exclusive: Watchdog resigns over deputy’s sexual harassment cover-up


    Dame Julie Mellor resigns after accepting she made mistakes in handling of correspondence over deputy Resignation follows the revealtion that she was made aware of a sexual harassment cover-up by Mick Martin in July last year Dame Julie resigned today after investigation into her conduct by Sir Alex Allan. ...

  • Contract
    Expert Briefing

    HSJ Catch Up: Provider sector deficit, and a reorganised DH


    Your essential update on the week in health

  • Computer data

    CCG rents overhaul mired in data problems


    NHS Property Services’ data problems stall new billing arrangements for CCG estates Overall CCG rent bill will rise in future years because of move to market rents Finance director says implementation is being “botched” NHS Property Services says it has “clear plan” to address problems Commissioners remain locked ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health shake-up revealed


    DH unveils new directorate structure as part of cost cutting drive Social care and technology move into new community care directorate Four new directorates report to permanent secretary Chris Wormald The Department of Health has reorganised its directorate structure, HSJ has learned.