All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 133

  • johann malawana

    Junior doctors contract talks extended


    Acas talks extended to Wednesday 18 May after “real progress” this week Sir Brendan Barber, chair of Acas, says negotiations have been positive and constructive Both sides have agreed to suspend contract imposition and industrial action Talks to resolve the junior doctors contract dispute have been extended until ...

  • Bill Kirkup
    HSJ Local

    Kirkup outlines 'lamentable' NMC failures to health secretary


    REGULATION: The Morecambe Bay inquiry chair has written to health secretary setting out what he described as the “lamentable failure” of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

  • Richmond House
    HSJ Local

    DH tells nursing watchdog to review treatment of bereaved families


    Department of Health says NMC must review treatment of patients and bereaved families Professional Standards Authority has criticised “deficient” handling of hearings into two Morecambe Bay midwives The government says issues from the case will inform plans to reform professional regulation REGULATION: The Department of Health has told ...

  • Bev Humphrey

    NHS England 'risks being in parallel universe' on mental health


    New Mental Health Network chair highlights “disconnect” between national and local commissioning Stresses that pledge of £1bn for mental health by 2020 follows £600m funding decrease in recent years Mental health sector will not get extra funding in 2017-18 and CCGs’ investment is an “empty promise” The mental ...

  • Harry Cayton
    HSJ Local

    NMC criticised for 'deficient' handling of Morecambe Bay cases


    Professional Standards Authority criticises deficient NMC investigation and panel decisions Morecambe Bay midwives cleared despite relevant evidence not being presented James Titcombe calls for government intervention to overhaul professional regulation WORKFORCE: The Nursing and Midwifery Council has been criticised for its “deficient” handling of the case against two ...

  • Hospital Clock

    'No coherent attempt' to prepare workforce for seven day NHS, say MPs


    Department of Health accused of not properly assessing the workforce needed to provide seven day services Public accounts committee also raises concerns over insufficient funding Report suggests increased agency spending caused by “unrealistic” efficiency targets The Department of Health has made “no coherent attempt” to assess the impact ...

  • Furness General Hospital
    HSJ Local

    NMC's clearance of Morecambe Bay midwives to be reviewed


    Professional Standards Authority reviewing decisions by Nursing and Midwifery Council related to two midwives linked to poor care at Furness General Hospital Morecambe Bay inquiry chair questions NMC process and says more contemporaneous evidence was available NMC chief executive Jackie Smith accepts process “not as it should be” ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt admits health funding was not protected in spending review


    Jeremy Hunt did not challenge assertion that overall spending would increase in real terms by only £4.5bn Health committee chair emphasises that national cuts will impact local NHS providers Simon Stevens says “we’re going to have to cut out cloth accordingly” when asked about transformation funding Jeremy Hunt ...

  • David williams expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: The integration paradox


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Some trusts 'not doing enough' to tackle agency spending


    Mackey warns that some trusts ”simply aren’t doing enough” to cut their spending on agency staff Warning comes as NHS Improvement tells MPs that agency caps have saved up to £300m since October 2015 Also follows complaints that some trusts have faced staffing problems due to neighbours breaching agency ...

  • Crispin dowler expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Squeezing the capital budget


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings, and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Norman Lamb

    Little progress by ‘integration pioneers’, DH’s study finds


    DH-commissioned study finds ‘limited evidence’ of changes to services Norman Lamb: NHS England did not take the programme seriously enough Financial pressures and performance targets distract from transformation The coalition government’s high profile “integration pioneers” programme has yielded few tangible results and failed to remove barriers to joined-up ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt beats Milburn to become longest serving health secretary


    Jeremy Hunt will become the longest serving health secretary on Sunday.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: Government offers BMA talks on junior doctors contract


    Jeremy Hunt responds to letter from medical royal colleges Government will pause contract imposition if BMA agrees to talk about Saturday pay Hunt says BMA must agree in writing before talks can take place The government has agreed to pause its planned imposition of a new junior doctors ...

  • Parliament

    Poll: Two-thirds believe UK spends too little on NHS


    Two-thirds of people in the UK believe too little is spent on healthcare, according to a new survey Much higher proportion than in other major European countries UK health spending as a proportion of GDP has declined since 2009 Almost two-thirds of people in the UK believe too ...

  • David williams expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: When councils should take over


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by integration reporter David Williams.

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England faces court battle in drug discrimination claim


    NHS England is accused of discriminating against teenager with narcolepsy Hundreds of patients already receive NHS funding for the drug sodium oxybate Department of Health also using public money to fund private prescriptions NHS England will appear at the High Court on Wednesday accused of discriminating against a ...

  • News

    Revealed: The capital projects deferred in 'undignified scramble'


    £270m of deferred spending identified, much of which relates to projects such as building maintenance, IT infrastructure and the purchase of new equipment. Twenty biggest transfers listed. Download full details of the capital-to-revenue transfers identified Sources told HSJ they are seriously concerned that key capital projects could be jeopardised ...

  • Pete murphy

    Something wicked this way comes: the main barrier to transformation


    Radical policy shifts are needed to deal with some hefty obstacles standing in the way of major change

  • Baronness tanni grey thompson

    Prevention is the only cure for the NHS


    The population’s inactivity problem is being addressed by some decisive action from NHS England and CCGs