All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 136

  • Houses of Parliament

    'No convincing plan' for NHS to save £22bn, says scathing report


    PAC accuses government of being too slow to address hospital deficits “Not yet a convincing plan” for closing the £22bn efficiency gap by 2020-21, report says “Unacceptable” for officials to blame excessive agency costs as source of trusts’ difficulties Data used by Carter review to assess hospital efficiency was ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health communications boss to leave


    The Department of Health’s director of communications, Sam Lister, is to leave to take up a new post at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

  • News

    National bodies avoid revolt over 2016-17 tariff


    The national tariff proposals for 2016-17 have effectively been accepted by NHS providers.

  • GP_doctor5

    CCGs to be paid for improving GP appointment access


    Incentive scheme for CCGs introduces two national measures around GP services One payment triggered if 85 per cent of GP patient survey respondents say they “had a good experience of making an appointment” Payments linked to mental health improvements dropped, including around quality of life and waiting times for ...

  • Waiting room

    Government 'complacent' about future of general practice, warn MPs


    DH and NHS England have been ‘complacent’ about GP capacity, MPs warn Older, white, affluent patients get better GP access than anyone else, report finds MPs have accused the Department of Health and NHS England of being “complacent” about the ability of general practice to cope with increased ...

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    All deaths in England to be investigated by medical examiner


    Medical examiners to reveiw all deaths in England and Wales from April 2018 Jeremy Hunt to implement recommendation of Dame Janet Smith after 7 year delay Medical examiner pilots found one in four hospital death certificates were inaccurate All deaths in England and Wales will be investigated by ...

  • Purse

    All NHS staff to get 1 per cent pay rise


    Department of Health accepts overall 1 per cent pay rise for all NHS staff NHS Pay Review Body raises concerns over use of agency caps for NHS staff Review body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration says it may target pay in future All NHS staff will receive a ...

  • Lord Willis

    Lord Willis criticises ‘meaningless’ Carter staffing metric


    Chair of the Shape of Caring Review says his work was “not factored in” to Carter review Lord Willis says Lord Carter’s care hours metric is “too blunt a tool” Department of Health accepts the metric is not used in other countries as was originally claimed The Carter ...

  • Nurse

    Health Education England defends new nursing associate role


    HEE director of nursing says role is not designed to be a substitute for registered nurses Lord Willis says NMC regulation and CQC focus on safe staffing are key safeguards Consultation on new role closes on Friday The new nursing associate role should not be used by NHS ...

  • Surgical scissors

    New patient safety body to carry out 'no blame' investigations


    Evidence submitted to Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch could be protected to create a “safe space” for learning Mike Durkin says HSIB will rely on NHS Improvement for “pay and rations” HSIB will develop “exemplar model” of investigations for NHS organisations to follow locally The new body to examine ...

  • Pay slip

    Regulator lobbied government to increase trust chairs’ pay


    Letters reveal how TDA chair lobbied ministers to increase the salary cap for NHS trust chairs Sir Peter Carr referred to perceived “injustice” felt by some trust chairs, whose salaries were in “stark contrast” to those at FTs Department of Health has no plans to increase standard rates ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary

    Some trust chairs paid up to £45,000


    Standard salary for chair of non-foundation trusts is capped at £23,600, but exceptions can be agreed with the government TDA letters explain how chairs at two London trusts indicated they could not “agree to commit to a further term of office at their current rate” Annual reports show variation ...

  • Treasury

    Exclusive: Treasury tightens grip on CCGs with control of £800m fund


    The spending of £800m of commissioning budgets will be subject to Treasury approval next year, it has emerged.

  • Doctor strike

    Revealed: BMA lawyers warned that judicial review would not prevent imposition of junior doctors’ contract


    The British Medical Association’s lawyers have warned the union that its planned legal action against the government will “definitely not” prevent the health secretary from imposing a contract on England’s 37,000 junior doctors, HSJ can reveal.

  • Pay

    NHS Employers admits junior doctor pay calculator may be inaccurate


    NHS Employers says “variations” will occur between pay calculator predictions and actual salary Rotas including consecutive weekends were an error and have been changed Concerns raised that the rotas will lead to “jetlagged” junior doctors NHS Employers has accepted its pay calculator for junior doctors may not accurately ...

  • Doctors strike

    BMA plans three strikes and legal action over contract imposition


    The British Medical Association has announced three 48 hour strikes and plans to launch a judicial review against the government’s plan to impose a new junior doctors’ contract.

  • Douglas Richard

    Former DH finance chief joins consultancy


    The former director general for finance and the NHS at the Department of Health has joined a leading health policy communications consultancy.

  • Workforce

    NHS staff survey: more staff working extra hours


    Follow HSJ Live for more analysis and reaction The percentage of NHS staff reporting that they are working extra hours has reached a five year high according to the NHS staff survey results published on Tuesday.

  • Jennifer_Dixon

    Exclusive: NHS needs national centre for quality improvement, says report


    Report co-authored by Don Berwick calls for national centre of quality improvement expertise Criticises reliance on inspection for improvement as “too costly, too weak and inimical to dynamic change” Chris Ham warns that freedom of NHS organisations is being “reduced” as national bodies tighten “grip” A “national centre ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health declares its top priorities


    Department of Health publishes “shared delivery plan” for the next four years Department to judge performance on metrics including reduction of emergency bed days NHS leaders warned against cutting national bodies “to the bone” The government has published the Department of Health’s priorities for the four remaining years ...