All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 141

  • Una O'Brien

    Permanent secretary Una O'Brien to leave DH next year


    DH permanent secretary to step down next year Dame Una joined in 2010 Announcement comes amid severe financial strain in the department Dame Una O’Brien, the Department of Health permanent secretary, will step down next year. The news comes at a time of severe financial strain for the ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    Roundtable: Jeremy Hunt's HSJ annual lecture debated


    CCG ratings dominated the headlines after Jeremy Hunt’s HSJ annual lecture – but experts who convened to discuss its implications were far more interested in his vision of powerful patients, reports Claire Read

  • Houses of Parliament

    CQC ‘not yet an effective regulator’, say MPs


    Commons public accounts committee expresses “new concerns” over CQC’s performance Committee says CQC’s own performance metrics are “inadequate” Concerns raised over CQC taking on new duty to assess efficiency “while it is struggling to fulfil its existing responsibilities” The Care Quality Commission is “not yet an effective regulator ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey required to get providers back in balance next year


    NHS Improvement chief says he has to get the provider sector in balance in 2016-17 Jim Mackey confirms national tariff rate will increase by 1 per cent in cash terms Warns if the DH has to ask for more money it will “annihilate confidence in the service” DH official ...

  • Nurse treating patient

    Modest improvement in patient experience, nine year analysis finds


    Nine years of data from NHS inpatient survey analysed by King’s Fund Data shows slight improvement in patient experience overall Think tank urges trusts to use data to plan longer term improvements There has been an improvement in patient experience within the NHS during the last nine years ...

  • Martha Lane-Fox

    Lane-Fox tells ministers one in 10 GP patients ‘should use online services by 2017’


    At least 10 per cent of GP patients should be using digital services by 2017, says DH commissioned review Baroness Lane-Fox outlines proposals to increase use of digital innovations in the NHS NHS England to consider targets to get patients using online services in GP contracts At least ...

  • Doctor

    Rise in junior doctors turning their back on NHS training


    Survey of more than 7,000 trainee doctors reveals almost half will not continue training in UK next year More doctors are taking career breaks but the number leaving the profession is static More than 10 per cent of trainees said they were pursuing a medical role outside the UK ...

  • Board room

    CQC criticised for errors leading to trust's £200k 'fit and proper person' bill


    Derby Teaching Hospitals chair calls for CQC to rethink its handling of fit and proper person complaints CQC failed to pass on vital information and is blamed for doubling cost of investigation Derby chief executive Sue James exonerated and called “exemplary” by report Serious concerns have been raised ...

  • Syringe

    Exclusive: NHS England attempts to halt judicial review in drug funding row


    NHS England faces threat of judicial review over refusal to fund treatment for teenager DH and NHS England are funding Xyrem for hundreds of other narcolepsy patients Lawyers argue the decision is unlawful and discriminatory NHS England has asked doctors to resubmit a bid for funding to treat ...

  • emergency__doctors__surgeons.JPG

    BMA cancels strike as government suspends imposition threat


    Government agreed to drop imposition threat in exchange for “time limited” negotiations Agreement to negotiate follows Acas talks and months of acrimony after BMA walkout in October 2014 Hunt tells MPs strike action could have led to 20,000 operations being cancelled The British Medical Association has suspended strike ...

  • Parliament

    New tariff objection threshold faces Lords challenge


    Labour peers to challenge government’s plans to raise objection threshold needed to trigger tariff arbitration this afternoon Lord Hunt to move amendment claiming proposed changes to secondary legislation are “fundamentally unfair” Lords scrutiny committee warned public consultation on the changes was too short NHS Providers has raised concerns with ...

  • News

    Exclusive: DH agrees £1.2bn raid on its 2016-17 capital budget


    Department of Health has agreed to transfer £1.2bn from its capital budget to support revenue spending in 2016-17, HSJ has learned The switch will substantially reduce the expected cash cut to non-NHS England revenue spending next year In following years, much of the reduction in non-NHS England spend expected ...

  • Woman GP with a baby

    Government lacks reliable data for GP workforce planning, says NAO


    Neither the Department of Health nor NHS England know how many GPs will be required to meet patient demand over the next five years due to a lack of reliable data, the National Audit Office has found.

  • Claire Billenness

    We can't sit back and wait for change


    NHS leaders need to take greater ownership of day to day workforce management in their organisations if the health service is to grasp the tough challenges ahead

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Morecambe Bay transcripts to remain secret until autumn 2016


    Transcripts of 118 interviews could take until autumn 2016 to be published Morecambe Bay inquiry chair Bill Kirkup says timescale is a “surprise” Witnesses to the inquiry included senior NHS figures PATIENT SAFETY: Transcripts of interviews carried out for the Morecambe Bay inquiry will not be made public ...

  • Richmond House

    DH paid out £1bn in loans and bailouts in six months


    DH pays out more than £1bn in working capital loans in first two quarters of 2015-16 Former DH finance director says “very substantial majority” will be bailouts for struggling trusts Explore the data The Department of Health paid more than £1bn to NHS trusts in working capital loans ...

  • Richmond House

    Spending review reveals '21 per cent cut' to non-NHS England health budgets


    Department of Health budgets outside NHS England - worth £15.1bn - face a £2bn cash terms cut by 2020-21 Health Foundation calculates real-terms cut at 21 per cent The non-ringfenced budgets cover spending areas including public health, health education, and arm’s length bodies Capital budget will be frozen in ...

  • rural houses

    Treasury identifies £2bn of NHS land to be sold


    The Treasury has identified almost £2bn in NHS estate assets to be sold over the next five years.


    Exclusive: HEE budget freeze will have 'consequences' for NHS


    Health Education England’s underlying budget will be frozen in nominal terms until 2020-21 It will also lose £1.2bn of funding for student nurses and allied health professionals from 2017, as these payments are stopped HEE will continue to control placement fees for students training in the NHS ...

  • CT Brain scan

    Government wants 'long term partnerships' between NHS and private sector


    Spending review calls for “long term partnerships” between NHS and private sector on new care models and diagnostics Involvement could follow the model of a PET-CT scanning contract awarded this year Private sector could offer capacity and finance in return for a share in any improvements made The ...