All Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) articles – Page 142

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt agrees to Acas talks over junior doctors contract


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has agreed to talks with the British Medical Association through the mediation service Acas over a new junior doctors contract.

  • Data, paperless NHS,, information and technology, healthcare data

    Chancellor pledges £1bn for NHS tech over five years


    The government will invest £1bn in new NHS technology over the next five years, according to the comprehensive spending review published today.

  • George Osborne

    Spending review: NHS England budget increase confirmed but other DH spending cut


    NHS England budget to rise to £120bn by 2020-21 George Osborne announces 25 per cent cut to other areas of DH budget HSJ Live: Comprehensive spending review - reaction George Osborne has confirmed NHS England’s budget will rise to £120bn by 2020-21, but said other Department of Health ...

  • Houses of Parliament

    Spending review 2015: Questions Osborne needs to answer on the DH settlement


    As a result of briefings to media over Monday evening, some of the big questions about what tomorrow’s comprehensive spending review announcement means for health have already been answered.

  • Foreign passport

    Non-EU nurse visa applications up 209 per cent in 12 months


    Migration Advisory Committee report reveals scale of demand for nursing immigration MAC says majority of applications refused since June 2015 were for nurses RCN warns key supply line of overseas nurses being “strangled” by immigration policy Visa applications for nurses from outside the EU to work in the ...

  • Shining person

    HSJ100 marks seismic change in NHS leadership


    Department of Health finance director David Williams is the highest new entry in this year’s HSJ100 Other notable new entries and risers include Arvind Madan, Dame Ruth Carnall and Sir Howard Bernstein Simon Stevens tops the power list for a second year Read the full list This year’s ...

  • Danny Mortimer

    NHS Employers approaches Acas over junior doctor contract


    NHS Employers confirms approach to Acas on Thursday night BMA made offer of mediation following industrial action ballot It is the first step towards negotiation since October 2014 NHS Employers last night approached the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration service about the possibility of negotiations over a new junior ...

  • Lord Carter

    Trusts negotiate Carter efficiency timelines


    Ten trusts receive savings estimates of up to 10 per cent of turnover Negotiations focus on the speed at which savings can be achieved HFMA warns against top-down approach to imposing savings targets Ten hospital trusts have so far received their efficiency savings estimates from Lord Carter, as ...

  • Nurses and doctor in hospital

    BCF focus on A&E admissions is 'patronising', NHS England survey finds


    Council and CCG leaders call for better care fund rules to be relaxed Focus on A&E activity has distorted attempts to integrate care, survey finds Calls for best practice to be shared Budget pooling fuels mistrust in financially challenged areas The government’s emphasis on the rate of emergency ...

  • Bruce Keogh

    Keogh raises terrorism fears over junior doctors strike


    Sir Bruce Keogh says BMA must have clear guidance around major incidents in light of Paris attacks NHS England medical director says patient safety of “paramount importance” Letter calls on BMA to advise doctors to return to work if wards are short staffed Sir Bruce Keogh has called ...

  • News

    Junior doctors vote for strike action but call in Acas


    98 per cent of junior doctors vote in favour of strike action Chief medical officer says severity of strike action is a “step too far” BMA offers talks with government via conciliation body Acas Junior doctors have voted overwhelmingly for strike action over government plans to impose a ...

  • Peter Wyman

    Exclusive: New CQC chair revealed


    Peter Wyman named as health secretary’s preferred candidate for CQC chair Mr Wyman is currently chair of Yeovil District Hospital Foundation Trust He is a former senior partner at PwC The new chair of the Care Quality Commission will be Peter Wyman, current chair of Yeovil ...

  • GP and patient

    Primary care underspend to boost NHS England’s bottom line


    Primary care underspend to help balance overspending on hospital care This follows overall decline in primary care spending as a proportion of total Murray: “Hardly helpful” for success of Five Year Forward View NHS England’s underspending against its primary care budgets will help improve its bottom line in ...

  • Save Skipton

    End Game: A lesson in listening for Simon Stevens


    Learn from the coalface

  • Foundation Trust

    Roundtable: The shaken ground of foundation trusts


    In today’s time

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt tells BMA: 'There are not pre-conditions'


    Health secretary writes to BMA junior doctors committe chair Jeremy Hunt says there are no pre-conditions to contract negotiations Mr Hunt says he made this clear in September meeting with Johann Malawana Jeremy Hunt has said there are no “pre-conditions” to future junior doctor contract talks, in a ...

  • Workforce

    DH unable to reveal extent of pay cut for doctors needing pay protection


    DH says it is unable to say what the level of pay cut would be for junior doctors requiring pay protection Net take home pay for trainees will fall by £250-£300 because of basic pay rise BMA warns new contract offer would mean reduced pay for future junior doctors ...

  • Group of clinical professionals talking

    Exclusive: Fewer than one in 10 hospitals meet their own nurse staffing targets


    Nine in 10 hospital sites fail to achieve own nurse staffing plans Chief nurses insist recruiting substantive nurses will save the NHS money Hopson: “Not enough clarity and consistency in the system” over staffing More than nine out of 10 acute hospitals in England are failing to meet ...

  • Waiting room

    Exclusive: Former BMA negotiator calls for ‘civil disobedience’ against CQC fees


    Former BMA GP committee negotiator, who is still a member, calls for “revolt” if the CQC hikes fees Peter Holden proposes paying regulator “this year’s fees plus 1 per cent” The CQC is consulting on a sevenfold increase in GP fees A former British Medical Association negotiator has ...

  • Strike

    Junior doctors threaten to withdraw emergency cover during strike action


    BMA council suggests three possible days for industrial action Two days will involve a full walkout including urgent and emergency care Mark Porter says ministers must remove threat to impose a deal Junior doctors could carry out three days of strike action next month including two days without ...