All DEVON PCT articles – Page 4

  • News

    When will the remaining trusts become foundations?


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has given trusts a deadline of December 2010 to submit their applications for foundation trust status.

  • News

    Suspended chief executive in limbo as review drags on


    A hospital trust that suspended its chief executive in October and began a review into his performance has had to appoint a second interim replacement, as the review overruns by more than two months.John Watkinson was suspended by the Royal Cornwall Hospitals trust following a critical review of his performance ...

  • News

    PCTs struggle to cope with cost of increased referrals


    Primary care trusts are struggling to cope with the financial fallout of increased referrals, with some now expecting the extra costs to drive them into deficit.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving Patient Access, supported by NHS End Waiting


    Winner: London NHS Diagnostic Service with Croydon FederationThe Diagnostics in the Community pilot has been able to bring ultrasound, echo and MRI diagnostics to Croydon, the largest of London's populations

  • News

    Hospital chief suspended for poor record


    The chief executive of the Royal Cornwall Hospitals trust John Watkinson has been suspended.

  • News

    Royal Cornwall Hospitals trust hires management review team


    NHS South West and Royal Cornwall Hospitals trust have hired four professionals to investigate management at the trust.

  • News

    DH intervention forces cancer rethink


    A primary care trust has been forced to review its plans to centralise specialist gastrointestinal cancer services after what is believed to be an unprecedented intervention by the Department of Health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety records: silent witness


    General practice logs just 0.4 per cent of all patient safety reports. Are GPs keeping quiet to protect their businesses or are patients reluctant to complain? Mark Gould investigates

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS vocational training: branching out


    A mental health and learning disability trust has helped one of its rehabilitation schemes become a social firm. Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Surge of acute contracts puts strain on PCTs' spend targets


    Primary care trusts are battling to stay clear of deficit as their finances come under pressure from a surge in secondary care work.Many PCTs overspent on their commissioning budgets for the first three months of the financial year and some are now looking to make savings in other areas to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Run with a rod of iron


    The formation of the NHS brought together many different organisations, with their own ideas of hierarchy, writes Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Service planning: shock of the new


    Sherford is a new town being built near Plymouth and plans for its health services promise to test support for new models - just don't mention polyclinics. Lynn Eaton takes a look

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Practice-based commissioning: if the cap fits


    While GPs have not greeted the role of commissioner with universal enthusiasm, its proponents believe that when the right skills and flow of information are in place, it will transform PCT performance, says Rob Finch

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Teaming up for patient safety


    Torbay Hospital, part of South Devon Healthcare trust, is on course to cut its MRSA rates in half for 2007.Torbay is part of the Health Foundation's safer patients initiative and is twinned with Musgrove Park Hospital, based in Taunton and Somerset trust.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ talks to managers who were there in 1948


    Emma Dent talks to three administrators who were there when the NHS launched on 5 July 1948, transforming their careers to make them forerunners of modern management

  • News

    Trusts hit back over budget surpluses


    NHS organisations predicting large underspends have defended themselves following Alan Johnson’s suggestion that large surpluses are ‘unreasonable’.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Creating a viable national maternity service


    Confidence in flexible community midwifery services should transform current reliance on acute settings, writes Marina Colville

  • News

    Health check: trusts miss hygiene goals


    Trusts have failed to hit targets for reducing MRSA and many are not meeting basic standards for hygiene and cleanliness.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving patient access


    WinnerBoltonPCTMusculoskeletal Clinical assessment and Treatment Service (MSK CATS)The professionalism and ambitious breadth of work in a holistic and systemic approach were just some of the qualities in theBoltonentry that stood out for the judges. The panel also appreciated the strong focus on quality, an evidence-based methodology and robust outcome measures ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Green shoots of recovery


    In the last of our series on organisational turnaround, we peer through the breaks in the clouds around two once-troubled trusts