All Diabetes articles – Page 5
HSJ Knowledge
What do NHS financial pressures really mean for patients?
Understanding how financial pressures can affect patients is key to minimising their negative impact
HSJ Local
Bexley CCG looks to make diabetes savings
COMMERCIAL: Bexley Clinical Commisioning Group is looking for ways to make savings in diabetes care, after problems agreeing a contract with providers.
Is the UK failing patients in obesity services?
Commissioners seem to be unprepared for a multi-million pound obesity surgery bill
The public needs to know where the buck stops
One year as an MP and I’m still none the wiser about lines of accountability in the NHS
New care model vanguards: Getting serious about prevention
Prevention is crucial for the success of new care model vanguards
Prevention is the only cure for the NHS
The population’s inactivity problem is being addressed by some decisive action from NHS England and CCGs
NHS England names 18 new national clinical directors
Eighteen national clinical directors and seven “associate” directors under new NHS England structure Chris Harrison is NCD for cancer and Tim Kendall is mental health NCD NHS England said it was reforming previous structure of 23 NCDs to improve clinical advice and “slim down” organisation NHS England has ...
Understanding triple prevention and how to deliver it
NHS England senior fellow Dr Mahiben Maruthappu explores the five key strategies to delivering triple prevention
Exclusive: Advisers on Hunt's CCG ratings may seek delay
Experts advising on new CCG ratings may seek a delay Jeremy Hunt has been seeking a new CCG indicator and scorecard system since 2014 Clinical area experts also concerned about using regulator style labels for ratings Experts appointed to oversee new “Ofsted style” ratings for clinical commissioning groups ...
Needs fixing: new models of care for children and young people
It is time that new models of care turn their attention to children and young people, writes Lucia Kossarova
Unhealthy Lazarus and the A&E crisis
Richard Cookson on why hospital managers should pay more attention to local healthcare inequalities
Stevens to launch NHS innovation push at Davos
Seven projects awarded “NHS innovation test bed” status NHS England chief executive hails “major new drive to modernise how NHS delivers care” Programme aims to combine different innovative healthcare interventions to increase their impact Seven projects have been awarded “NHS innovation test bed” status under a flagship programme ...
NHS England set to remove eight national clinical directors
NHS England on track to cut eight national clinical director posts Sixteen directors will be retained in a new structure from April Remaining directors split into “major programme”, “service improvement” and “population group” NHS England is on course to cut eight national clinical directors, including for renal disease, ...
HSJ Knowledge
Best of 2015: Commissioning
For the Christmas and new year break we have brought you a roundup of HSJ’s best practice highlights of 2015. Today our focus is on commissioning
HSJ Knowledge
Best of 2015: Innovation
For the Christmas and new year break we have brought you a round up of HSJ’s best practice highlights of 2015. Today our focus is on innovation and technology
Jeremy Taylor: Mobilising volunteers to help patients
Mobilising volunteers to support patients will become easy if we leverage people’s innate desire to help others, writes Jeremy Taylor
HSJ Knowledge
Shared Lives – empowering people to lead healthy lives
The power of mobilising people to improve health and care
HSJ Knowledge
Why research matters to the people who do it
Looking at the benefits of research on the ground
HSJ Knowledge
'Managers need to release bright staff for research'
Developing new combined clinical and research roles will be part of wider organisational and culture change that the NHS must go through in order to push more of its best people into doing research. Jennifer Trueland reports
HSJ Local
Eastern Cheshire doubles investment in general practice
Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group has announced plans to almost double the amount it invests in general practice to improve the range of services on offer to patients.