HSJ Local
Commissioners told to tighten up job applicant checks
WORKFORCE: Counter fraud specialists at NHS Protect have warned West and South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Commissioning Support Unit about ‘inconsistencies’ and ‘weakness’ in their pre-employment checks.
HSJ Local
CCG to consider future for GP ‘acute visits’ scheme
PERFORMANCE: Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group is examining the future of a scheme which allows patients with acute problems to be visited during daytime by a nurse within two hours of a call to a GP surgery.
HSJ Local
Nurse shortages at trust highlighted in 25 incident reports
WORKFORCE: Shortages of ward nurses were recorded in 25 incident reports in January at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
Physical activity pilot to be extended
COMMERCIAL: Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group plans to continue funding pilot physical activity programmes after a review showed there were a range of patient benefits - including better sleep, higher energy levels and improved pain management.
HSJ Local
CCG records surplus of £1.75m after third quarter
FINANCE: Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group has reported a surplus of £1.75m for the third quarter or 2014-15, board papers show.
HSJ Local
Children at risk because of failure to share records, says CQC
PATIENT SAFETY: Care Quality Commission inspectors have told commissioners in Barnsley they must connect up the health and social care records systems to ensure the safety of children in local authority care.
Revealed: the trusts set to be highlighted for reporting concerns
Six trusts that have been in special measures over the past year are among those set to be named as having a poor culture of reporting patient safety incidents
Dawn of a new vision for imaging
Using radiology networks and web-based portals to fill gaps
HSJ Knowledge
Trust leaders must avoid a bunker mentality
How directors at one FT are getting a better view
HSJ Knowledge
Putting an end to high weekend mortality rates
CCGs and providers cane work together to deliver safer care 24/7
Live discussion: Moving towards 24/7 working in the NHS
Join HSJ’s expert panel for a live discussion on 24/7 working in the NHS at 1pm today.
Record breaking rise in English waiting list
The English waiting list got much bigger again in April. There will be trouble.
HSJ Local
Doncaster and Bassetlaw invests in nurses
WORKFORCE: Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is set to invest £7m in additional nursing and to increase its in-patients beds by 80 in a bid to increase its capacity in both emergency and non-emergency services.
HSJ Local
Doncaster A&E performance warning
PERFORMANCE: Recent board papers for Doncaster CCG warn of falling A&E four hour waiting time target performance at Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in March.
Sharp increase in English waiting list
The number of patients waiting rose sharply in March, and is now higher than in recent years and may indicate waiting time pressures to come. But bed pressures over winter do not explain all the increase
HSJ Local
Doncaster FT aiming for £20m savings
FINANCE: Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust is aiming to make savings of £20m in the new financial year – equivalent to 6 per cent of its turnover.
HSJ Local
Wrong tooth removed by Doncaster and Bassetlaw
PERFORMANCE: A patient had the wrong tooth removed in February at Doncaster and Basssetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust – which is reported as a never event.
HSJ Local
Doncaster faces FT authorisation breach threat
PERFORMANCE: Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust could be found in breach of its authorisation by Monitor after poor performance.
HSJ Local
New governors at Doncaster and Bassetlaw
STRUCTURE: New governors have been appointed to Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the successful candidates will officially take up their seats on the Board of Governors on 1 April 2013 for a term of three years.