All East Midlands articles – Page 24

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust 'in real trouble' loses finance director


    Finance director leaves Kettering General Hospital FT during period of £13m deterioration against financial plan in three months Trust currently under CQC warning notice following inspectors identify ”sub-optimal care” Kettering has missed deadline to start reporting RTT data again after it was suspended in December 2015 Agency spend, A&E ...

  • Hospital_bed

    Simon Stevens warned again after second bed shortage death


    Second warning from coroner to NHS England chief following neurosurgery delays as a result of ICU bed shortage Teresa Dennett was denied an immediate transfer to Nottingham University Hospitals Trust Doctors told the coroner policies to admit patients regardless of bed capacity were “aspirational” NHS England chief executive ...

  • HSJ Local

    Accountable officer for inadequate CCG named


    A clinical commissioning group rated inadequate by NHS England has appointed a permanent accountable officer.

  • coins toppling
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust loses half its sustainability funding as deficit rises


    Major teaching trust’s deficit forecast deepens to £27m News follows University Hospitals of Leicester enforcing 12 day elective work restriction to cope with A&E demand A major teaching trust has been forced to revise its year-end forecast from a £20m to £27m deficit, after failing to hit its ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Major acute trust to lose services under CCG plans


    Commissioners reveal plans to put up to seven Nottingham trust services out to tender Plans have been scaled back from December proposal to decommission 13 services CCGs believe changes will deliver better value care and patient outcomes Five services at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will be put out ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    More leadership turnover at major hospital trust


    The chair of Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, Louise Scull, has said she will step down later this year. The news comes just weeks after chief executive Peter Homa announced his retirement.

  • hospital operation patient safety
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust cancels planned operations for first time 'in four years'


    University Hospitals Leicester puts 12 day restriction on elective work It cites high demand, bed occupancy and delays on discharging patients Restrictions will cover school half-term week One of the NHS’s largest trusts has been forced to restrict elective activity for the first time in “at least four ...

  • Pushing trolley bed
    HSJ Local

    Trust to take back 1,500 staff after halting £200m private contract


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will take back 1,500 staff from Carillion by 1 April Contract termination follows months of complaints over standards Five year contract worth £200m was awarded in 2014 Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will terminate a five year, £200m estates and facilities contract with Carillion by ...

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust seeks second interim chief in five months


    Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust to lose acting chief executive Clare Culpin at the end of March Ms Culpin to become managing director of Basildon and Thurrock FT Substantive chief executive David Sissling remains on extended sick leave Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust is making “interim arrangements” to ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: 13 services could be decommissioned at major hospital trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has been warned 13 services could be decommissioned CCGs want to redesign the model for another 17 services Commissioners say the changes are to be completed by July One of the largest acute trusts in the country faces 13 services being decommissioned and 17 ...

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: Huge cost of failed trust merger


    Merger between Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT cost £10m Trusts paid more than £6m for consultancy advice and £1m for clinical support Both trusts have been reimbursed for the costs after a control total adjustment was made for Sherwood Forest Hospitals Work to prepare ...

  • cyber security

    Cyber attack trust reveals details of ransomware virus


    Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT says it was hit by ransomware Trust confirmed it did not pay a ransom as a result of cyber attack Claims the virus entered the trust’s network through a USB stick “have no grounding in fact”, trust director says The cyber attack experienced ...

  • Mop and bucket
    HSJ Local

    Trust seeks to terminate £200m contract


    Nottingham trust says it is seeking “managed end” to the contract with Carillion Decision follows complaints that nurses were cleaning after Carillion staff to maintain standards Five year contract meant 1,500 staff transferred to Carillion in 2014 Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will look to terminate a five year, ...

  • homa_peter
    HSJ Local

    Major acute trust admits 'insufficient' efforts to hit financial target


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief executive says trust is £18m adrift of 2016-17 plan The trust must find £43m of savings this financial year assuming it receives £24m of STF support Chief executive says the trust faces regulatory intervention if it fails to take action One of the ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Major incident as patients wait in ambulances for up to two hours


    University Hospitals of Leicester Trust has declared an internal major incident after patients were left waiting in ambulances for up to two hours during five days of high pressure on emergency services.

  • Leadership
    HSJ Local

    Hospital FT to be removed from special measures


    The chief inspector of hospitals has recommended a troubled acute foundation trust be removed from special measures.

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Chair kept bankruptcy secret from trust


    Trust chair failed to tell colleagues and NHS Improvement he had been made bankrupt Museji Takolia left Wye Valley nearly three months after bankruptcy declared Departure not announced by trust or NHS Improvement Mr Takolia on “special leave” from role as chair of the Pensions Advisory Service An ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trusts cancel merger plan, blaming 'operational challenges'


    Plan for both trusts to merge has been cancelled They will continue to operate as stand alone organisations Operational challenges cited as a key reason Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will no longer pursue a merger with Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust, the trusts have announced.

  • Handshake
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts reveal merger plan


    Two Derbyshire foundation trusts will seek to merge into single organisation Derbyshire Community Health Services will acquire Derbyshire Healthcare Change follows CQC criticism of Derbyshire Healthcare’s governance Two foundation trusts in the East Midlands have announced plans to merge and create a single organisation.

  • Northampton General Hospital

    Acute services could merge under Midlands STP


    Single service models being developed for 10 acute pathways to “deliver efficiencies” Plans show that “political opposition”, “capital constraints” and “insufficient workforce” are all risks to implementation CCG plans MCP development and staff reorganisation that could result in redundancies STP wants to see “repatriation” of out of area NHS ...