All East of England articles – Page 115

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    Stephen Ramsden on the transformational approach to patient safety


    To make real strides in patient safety, we must win the hearts and minds of NHS staff and patients, mobilising them to be drivers of change

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    Review of heart transplant mortality rates


    The Healthcare Commission is to carry out a preliminary review ofPapworthHospitalfoundation trust's heart transplantation programme after routine audit showed a slight increase in early mortality rates following heart transplantation.

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    Health profile: experts say child obesity targets may miss the point


    New targets to spur on efforts to tackle the nation's worst public health problems may not work, experts have warned.

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    chief exec resigns


    David Law, the chief executive of troubled West Hertfordshire Hospitals Trust, has resigned in the wake of its poor annual health check performance.The trust was one of four that failed to move up from 'weak' ratings in both quality of services and use of resources.Mr Law was appointed chief executive ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Foreign affairs: migration and the NHS


    Uncertainty about the number of migrant workers in Britain means that planning for demand on local NHS services may become increasingly tricky, writes Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on doctors leading patient safety


    Doctors' involvement in a hospital's patient safety drive is bringing about transformation, says Stephen Ramsden

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health at work: down should not mean out of a job in the NHS


    People with mental health problems often get chewed up and spat out of work. The NHS can lead the way in breaking a vicious circle that has a high price for both employee and employer, says Steve Shrubb

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health developments: doctors on the football pitch


    Sports stadiums are proving mutually attractive as shared sites for NHS health centres, and interest in such ventures is on the increase. Lynne Greenwood is your commentator

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Service design: how does it feel to be our patient?


    An unusual change project drafted in anthropologists to explore patients' experiences. Stuart Shepherd takes a look

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The role of an assistant practitioner in radiotherapy


    When Elaine James decided she needed a new challenge, she did not know she would end up in a role that combined physics, medical knowledge and the ability to liaise with patients and different departments in one of the country's busiest hospitals.

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    PFI link-ups could save millions


    Hospital trusts considering using the private finance initiative could save millions of pounds by teaming up with non-NHS partners, according to the chief executive of a trust set to go into partnership with a football club.West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust stands to save£80m-£100m because it is building a new hospital in ...

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    Herts bags early winner with stadium bid


    As the football season cranks into action, Watford have scored an early goal in a PFI partnership with West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust.The trust hopes to share£80m-£100m of its costs by building a new hospital in Watford as part of a development encompassing a new stadium, housing, a hotel and conference ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The nuclear option that's increasing patient safety


    A colour-coded early warning score system adapted from nuclear submarines has significantly reduced mortality rates at Luton and Dunstable hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on being a good chief executive


    'What is the role of a chief executive? I constantly ask myself this and I firmly believe the NHS has got it wrong.'

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    Improving Lives: Saving lives


    The East of England strategic health authority has developed 12 pledges aiming to raise public perception of the health service and improve patient experience.Improving Lives: Saving lives, launched on Monday for consultation, details the vision of the SHA - to be the best health service in England - and ...

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    Suffolk delays terminating PMS contracts


    Suffolk primary care trust has said it will delay terminating the personal medical services contracts it holds with 46 practices in the area.

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    Herts bags early winner with stadium bid


    As the football season cranks into action, Watford have scored an early goal in a PFI partnership with West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust.The trust hopes to share£80m-£100m of its costs by building a new hospital in Watford as part of a development encompassing a new stadium, housing, a hotel and conference ...