All East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust articles – Page 10
HSJ Knowledge
Why one trust brought all its facilities services back home
Why did one trust decide to return its estates and facilities services back in-house, what were the challenges and was it worth it in the end? Nick Chatten and colleagues explain.
HSJ Local
Minister praises VTE work at Colchester
PERFORMANCE: Colchester General Hospital has been praised by health minister Simon Burns for its work on preventing avoidable blood clots.
HSJ Local
Pathology shake up across East Anglia acutes
STRUCTURE: Five hospitals in the East of England could lose a large part of their pathology services under a proposal being considered by the SHA.
HSJ Knowledge
The NHS trusts leading the way on sustainability and efficiency
A recent league table of over 2,000 UK businesses ranked four NHS trusts as the highest performing organisations. NHS Sustainable Development Unit director David Pencheon explains why other trusts must aim to emulate this success.
HSJ Knowledge
Liberating Ideas: the award-winning projects that could truly liberate the NHS
Which of the Liberating Ideas Award 2011 winners’ projects has the greatest potential to be adopted by the rest of the NHS? Alison Moore watched the final judging session.
HSJ Local
Board meets to set up Anglia Ruskin academic partnership
STRUCTURE: Universities and hospitals in the East of England are planning to come together in a “collaborative” partnership, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Coding dispute to cost over £1m for Colchester FT
FINANCE: Colchester Hospital University FT faces a £1m loss after an ophthalmology coding dispute with the primary care trust, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Colchester FT falls behind on savings
FINANCE: Colchester Hospital University FT has fallen £1m behind on its plan to save almost £15m this financial year and expects to miss the target, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Colchester Hospital FT overspend predicted
FINANCE: Colchester Hospital University Foundation Trust is forecast to overspend by £1.6m on its contracts with the primary care trusts in North Essex.
HSJ Local
Ipswich chief pledges vascular move will bring 'gold-standard care'
STRUCTURE: The chief executive of the Ipswich Hospital Trust has written a public letter explaining a vascular surgury configuration that will see services moved to Colchester General Hospital.
HSJ Local
One year without MRSA for Colchester FT
PERFORMANCE: Colchester University Hospital FT has gone a whole year without a case of MRSA, according to figures from the Health Protection Agency.
HSJ Local
Work begins on £5m unit at Colchester FT
COMMERCIAL: Work has begun on a £5m unit to decontaminate medical instruments and equipment at Colchester Hospital University FT.
HSJ Local
Colchester fails CQC dignity and nutrition test
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission found the trust was not meeting standards relating to dignity and nutrition during a spot check as part of a wider investigation into how older patients are treated.
HSJ Local
Colchester FT to bring contracts in house
COMMERCIAL: Colchester Hospital FT plans to bring an IT system and its facilities management services in house, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Colchester FT savings slip by £1m
FINANCE: Colchester Hospital FT has fallen £1m behind on its savings plan for the financiual year, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Colchester FT misses targer for abortion waits
PERFORMANCE: More than one in 10 women waited more than three weeks for an abortion in April at Colchester FT.
HSJ Local
Colchester FT was not paid by PCT in April
FINANCE: Colchester Hospital UFT had to “slow” payments and dip into its reserves after a delay in signing its contract with NHS North East Essex.
HSJ Local
Shared support services arm up for sale
COMMERCIAL: Trusts in the East of England region are selling a support services body that serves primary and mental health services in two counties.
HSJ Local
Colchester Hospital UFT to benefit from contract break up
FINANCE: A “disaggregation” of the block parts of Colchester Hospital University FT’s contract will be to the trust’s advantage as it will recognise increased activity, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Colchester Hospital FT CQUIN drives stop smoking referrals
PERFORMANCE: A finance related performance indicator has helped Colchester Hospital University FT improve the number of referrals it sends to smoking cesseation services, according to board papers.