HSJ Local
East Sussex children’s iPad project awarded lottery boost
FINANCE: A project working with children with emotional and behavioural issues has been awarded over £8,000 from the Big Lottery Fund, East Sussex Healthcare Trust has announced.
HSJ Local
East Sussex Healthcare just below average in first FFT scores
PERFORMANCE: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust scored an average of 55 for accident and emergence and 66 for inpatients in the “friends and family” test over the first quarter of 2013-14.
HSJ Local
East Sussex has worst staff sickness rate among acutes in region
WORKFORCE: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust had the highest average sickness absence rate for the first three months of 2013 across acutes in the South East Coast region.
HSJ Local
East Sussex introduces coloured lanyards for staff
WORKFORCE: An acute hospital trust in Sussex is introducing a new way of trying to help patients identify the different types of staff that work there.
Exclusive: Surge in hospitals predicting deficits as total exceeds £200m
NHS trusts are predicting a deficit of more than £200m in this financial year, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
New East Sussex endoscopy unit due to open in autumn
STRUCTURE: Building work on a new endoscopy unit at Eastbourne District General Hospital is nearing its final phase with the first patients expected to use it in early autumn.
HSJ Local
East Sussex worst offender in region for mixed sex breaches
PERFORMANCE: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust breached the government’s guidelines on mixed-sex accommodation on 15 occasions in March.
HSJ Local
Temporary safety changes to maternity services take hold in East Sussex
STRUCTURE: East Sussex Healthcare Trust has confirmed that temporary changes to maintain the safety of its maternity and paediatric services were implemented on 7 May.
HSJ Local
Emergency care problems linked to poor relationships, finds south of England review
PERFORMANCE: A review of urgent and emergency care failures in the south of England has blamed in part an over-emphasis on incentives and contracts, at the expense of relationships.
HSJ Local
East Sussex Healthcare marked down for mixed sex wards
PERFORMANCE: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust was picked out by the Care Quality Commission as performing below average for mixed sex accommodation in the inpatient survey.
HSJ Local
East Sussex centralises maternity and children's services after 'calamity' warning
A hospital trust is to centralise its consultant-led maternity and paediatric inpatient services onto one site without consulting the public, after an expert team warned of “the potential for calamity”.
HSJ Local
Sussex health visitor receives QNI grant for local project
FINANCE: A health visitor from Lewes has been awarded a £5,000 grant by the Queen’s Nursing Institute to improve access to healthcare for the Gypsy and Traveller community locally.
HSJ Local
East Sussex wards closed by norovirus
STRUCTURE: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust has several wards closed due to norovirus.
HSJ Local
CQC notes improvements at East Sussex
PERFORMANCE: East Sussex Healthcare Trust has become fully compliant with care standards set by the Care Quality Commission.
HSJ Local
Judicial review threat recedes from Sussex reconfig plans
STRUCTURE: Plans to reconfigure emergency services in East Sussex are expected to go ahead after the threat of a judicial review was lifted.
HSJ Local
East Sussex has HSMR of 101
PERFORMANCE: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust performed slightly below expected for patient mortality rates, according to this year’s Dr Foster “hospital guide”.
HSJ Local
East Sussex trust forces apology from local papers
STRUCTURE: Local newspapers published lengthy apologies to East Sussex Healthcare Trust this month after they included inaccurate information in a coupon urging readers to oppose reconfiguration plans.
HSJ Local
East Sussex attempts to brake 'unsustainable' spending
FINANCE: East Sussex Healthcare Trust’s chief executive has warned “difficult decisions” will need to be made to rapidly bring down its “clearly unsustainable” monthly overspend.
HSJ Local
Green light for East Sussex reconfiguration plans
STRUCTURE: Commissioners have “unanimously” backed proposals to reconfigure three key service areas at East Sussex Healthcare Trust.
HSJ Local
East Sussex board backs reconfiguration plans
STRUCTURE: East Sussex Healthcare Trust’s board has agreed recommendations that will see three key service areas reconfigured between its two main hospital sites.