All Education/training articles – Page 63
IoD calls for employment law overhaul
Collective pay bargaining in the NHS should go as part of an employment and planning law overhaul designed to kickstart the economy, business leaders have told the government.
CQC warns cuts could hit care standards
Standards in nursing homes across the country could drop as owners come to terms with public sector spending cuts, the chairwoman of the Care Quality Commission warned today.
HSJ Knowledge
No time to be reining in training
Public sector austerity is not an excuse to cut back on training and appraisals but a reason to forge ahead with them and make organisations stronger, writes Alison Moore
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Coaching for success in the East Midlands
The East Midlands Leadership Academy has undertaken an executive coaching programme to develop the capabilities of 100 of the region’s NHS leaders.
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Developing the administrative and clerical workforce
Candace Miller sings the praises of clerical staff, and spells out why developing their skills has never been so vital
Levy on trusts to replace central NHS training funds
The £5bn central education and training fund will be replaced with a levy on NHS providers, under government proposals announced today.
Student nurse intake to be cut
The number of students entering into nursing and midwifery courses will be reduced, the Scottish health secretary has announced.
NHS approaching breaking point - RCP
The NHS could reach “breaking point” within the next few years due to increasing demands on the service, senior doctors have said.
NHS 'too reliant' on junior doctors
Patients are being left in the hands of junior doctors because there is no adequate consultant cover on weekends, according to a new report.
Medics’ needs may dominate training
The training needs of nurses and allied professionals could be undermined if the government merges the three main clinical education advisory bodies.
HSJ100: Hakin and Gerada lead the rise of the clinicians
The white paper represents a seismic shift in policy and operational form, perhaps the biggest since the inception of the NHS.
Report points to prison care lapses
Lapses in clinical care may have led to at least four prisoners’ deaths from heart disease in the last four years, a watchdog has said.
Training and development: special report
Tight budgets and NHS reforms mean organisations face harder choices about training provision.
Report criticises junior doctors' workload
Patients are being placed at “unnecessary risk” because junior doctors are told to work beyond their competence, a report said today.
Practice based commissioning academy gets rebranded
The NHS Alliance and its private sector partner Humana have rebadged their so called practice based commissioning academy to appeal to fledgling GP consortia.
NHS Commissioning Board to check foreign doctors' language skills
The new NHS Commissioning Board is to take responsibility for testing the language and clinical skills of foreign doctors from within the EU, the Department of Health has said.
HSJ Knowledge
Self-funding leadership development
The unique connection between any individual’s leadership development and their organisation’s business should be highly visible, says Andy Radka
HSJ Knowledge
Renegotiating NHS contracts: how to avoid the pitfalls
Renegotiating or exiting NHS contracts may seem an obvious way to make savings but the process must be approached with caution, advises Robert McGough
Make the most of your transferable skills
You want to change career, secure a new role, position yourself for a job in a GP consortium or maybe move into a different sector. So you need to know how to identify, present and evidence your transferable skills.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: The Strengths Book
Wise deployment of individual abilities creates strong teams, says Eileen Ball