All Education/training articles – Page 75
Junior doctors need better supervision
Hospitals are relying too heavily on unsupervised trainee doctors for procedures that could be carried out by non-medical staff, according to the incoming chair of the postgraduate medical education training board.
Academic health science centre race begins
Trusts hoping to form academic health science centres have been set a January deadline for applications.
New way of learning could improve child safety
A 'systems approach' to learning from serious case reviews could help identify what leads to good or poor practice in safeguarding children, according to a report by the Social Care Institute for Excellence.
David Levy on world class commissioning's training implications
World class commissioning has already had a significant impact on primary care trusts and their development.
Britain 'faces pharmaceutical industry skills gap'
A report by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry says a lack of skills will threaten the long-term future of biomedicine in the country.
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GMC must nip rotten medics in the bud
The General Medical Council has stood for high professionalism for 150 years but exposures of malpractice suggest it must push on with its modernisation to regain public and professional confidence
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World class commissioning online debate
Click here to watch HSJ’s online debate on world class commissioning now!
Peter Reader on medical revalidation
As a GP, it seems to me that I have been waiting for a significant chunk of my active medical career for revalidation to finally happen, and I am not that fresh off the starting blocks.
David Peat on the NHS learning curve
You know how you sometimes tend to look at long-past events through rose-tinted glasses, perhaps foolishly allowing yourself to think everything was somehow better 'back in the good old days'?
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NHS apprentices - as seen on TV
In an NHS scheme inspired by The Apprentice, 12 candidates competed for a management trainee post. Is this the future of recruitment?
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Allied health professionals and clinical leadership
All health professionals - not just doctors - need to embrace clinical leadership if Lord Darzi's vision for the NHS is to be realised. Roland Petchey explains allied health professionals' role in driving change
John Coakley on the quest for medical leadership
There seems to be an increasing demand for clinical, and in particular medical, leadership. Lord Darzi's next stage review recommendations and the reviews of healthcare being conducted across strategic health authorities will not work without it.
BMA junior doctors committee elects chairman
Andrew Thornley, a specialist registrar in cardiology at the James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough, has been elected the new chairman of the BMA junior doctors committee.
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Transformational leadership in a transformed NHS
To make patient care truly effective, all doctors need to develop the skills of transformational leadership, as Graham Neale explains
NHS trusts to plan local workforce
NHS London has pledged to put trust managers in charge of workforce planning after a power struggle sparked by the next stage review.
Health students consider quitting over debts
Over half of all students training to become members of professions including nursing, midwifery and occupational therapy are considering quitting their studies due to debt, according to a survey by Unison.Ninety per cent of respondents believed health students should be paid a salary. Mature students with children and students from ...
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Championing NHS work experience
An innovative and award-winning work experience programme in Kensington and Chelsea is delivering benefits to the NHS, local authority and local community
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NHS in virtual reality: second sight
The virtual world of Second Life has a health service, so you can now tour a cyber polyclinic. Daloni Carlisle explains
Steve Field on the case for a GP-led health service
Lord Darzi's review of the NHS advocates a healthcare system led by clinicians and centred on patients - and rightly so.
Working group on women in medicine holds first meeting
The first meeting of the national working group on women in medicine took place this week.